So Much Better than Snatch.

I watched Snatch. a few days ago...and felt ...meh...just another typical heist gone wrong in the end everyone dies kind of movie. Enjoyable, but really does not deserve to be in the top 250.
So I came across a copy of Lock Stock today at the library and decided to give it a try, and since I knew it was about the same style as Snatch. I wasn't really hoping for anything extraordinary...and boy was I wrong...The last hour of the movie was hell of a roller coaster ride and the ending was pure gold~~~ Loved it!!! Can't believe it's rated lower than Snatch... I guess... more recognizable actors, brat pitt and del toro and such??


Snatch was the big movie industry trying to capitalize on the popularity and overseas success of british gangster movies like Lock Stock and Gangster No.1 among others. It's only rated so highly because of Pitt and other american actors who make cameos like Del Toro and Dennis Farina. Im sure there'd be more popular american actors in the movie if they were better at english accents.

Snatch was ok. I liked it. But I agree Lock Stock was better.


I agree, at first I thought Lock and Stock was ok but after a second viewing I love it to pieces because of the plot and quotability factor. Something like Snatch and Pulp Fiction I can watch it once and don't care if I see it again, Lock and Stock however has a lot of re watching value to it in my opinion.


Snatch was Hollywood and LS2SB was pure Brit. To me anyway. Luv them both!!!


I love them both but Lock, Stock, etc. was better to me.

"Joey, have you ever been in a Turkish prison?"


I've always considered snatch to be the better film


I think both of those movies are absolute comedy classics. They are both amazing achievements in memorable characters, well-written little gangster plots and with dialogue so sharp it can be likened to that of Tarantino. I simply just can't choose between them. It's like trying to pick which one of your children you love the most!


Yeah, Snatch was hanging onto the coat tails of Lock Stock's success, despite Lock Stock's modest budget in comparison.


I really like them both, but feel Snatch is the funnier and therefore slightly better film. The injection of the American stars only added to the fun and the whole pikeys/caravan thing kind of put Snatch on a pedestal IMO.🐭


They're both brilliant, but I prefer Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels.

The characters are more intriguing and it's just a sharper script, in my opinion. I love the way it's shot, too, with that yellow-tint colouration.

Snatch is great, too, but has too many smooth edges. The rougher, "unpolished" Lock, Stock fits the tone better, I think. That said, Snatch has so many memorable moments and characters, that I still think it's a beautiful work.
