To some people this film is about bleeding hearts forcing a killer to go free with red tape.
But to me this is a film about incompetent cops screwing up an investigation by applying intimidation. Truth is, they could have gotten a false confession out of someone using the tactics they were using. Ergo, their methods are of no bloody use at all.
The scary thing is I have no difficulty believing it could happen. People like John Steele, who believe the rules don't apply to them, exist in the real world. Sometimes we romanticise them as larrikins, but they're actually more like prima donnas in mentality.
Just watched this again after 10 or so years, I think, (most of it forgotten) and when they busted through the door it was pretty obvious who'll be having some police brutality etc. charges/accusations.
Seriously, with the evidence available at the beginning they just go in like that? :O
The red tape is completely independent of whether he is guilty or not.
Does it exist? Of course it does.
What is the purpose of police officers? Enforcing the law? Fine, but then why do so many police departments use the "protect and serve" as their motto. In this situation, the two were contradictory.
It is as the lawyer said: The reason Hugo Weaving's character was at the police station was strictly to provide more evidence. If he just kept his mouth shut, the police would not get anymore than they already had.
This happens thousands of times every day, and is the way 90% of criminal cases are solved. Do you guys really think it happens the way they show on CSI with the police pulling some ridiculous piece of evidence out of their ass? Labs are backed up, and it takes a long time to test even the basic stuff.
If you have a problem with interviews/interrogations such as this one, and think it was inappropriate, you are basically saying that a good portion of criminals found in today's prisons was convicted with their due process violated.
If you are innocent, just ask for a lawyer and keep your mouth shut....hell the courts even made it necessary for LE to advise you of these rights.
Realise this is looong ago since posting but still.
I've no problem cops playing 'mean' and certainly don't think the CSI-way is some Mystery Solving Machine as portraied in certain *****ss series but meh... the way the beginning of the film plays out it's tad obvious the police would be called for excess behaviour.
We all know that Weaving's character almost definetly is guilty but as an innocent, would you like to get shat over the way happens in the beginning of the film?
Anyone ever talk to a child when they think they're in trouble. They won't speak because they know anything they say can and will be used against them. LOL. Kids are amazing.
If you are innocent.
Keep your mouth shut. Get a lawyer.
If you are guilty.
Do the same.