Women very miscast
I normally do not watch westerns on the western channel, for some reason I did watch this, I do like Billy Crudup and Woody is a good actor. Patricia Arquette did a lousy job of playing Mona, first of all I do not think she is pretty enough to "lure" and "tempt" all these men, she seemed mousy too me and her acting fell flat, {I admit I never like the Arquette sisters, neither one can act or is a beauty!} Penelope played her role the best she could, it would have been better for HER to be Mona, she is a little better looking and I have seen her in other movies and she can really turn ON the passion and heat, I could see Micky and big boy both perhaps going for her, if they allowed her to unleash her passion and dressed her up better. I hated when big boy got killed and that wussy brother walked away from it. Not the best movie I have ever seen, probably would not recommend it but guess its alright on a cold winters night when nothing else is on....I say they bring back E-Love on Encore mu ch better than the few channels now.