Micheal did die at the end
So Resurrection was pointless indeed! There's no way a normal person would only be unconscious for only 15-20 seconds and then get up.
shareSo Resurrection was pointless indeed! There's no way a normal person would only be unconscious for only 15-20 seconds and then get up.
shareThe paramedics son? Wanted revenge so he dressed up in the boiler suit, put the mask on and murdered Katee Sackhoff and co.
shareCouldnt Agree more... that BS that was Homecoming/Resurrection... was just that BS. The series Ended HERE with H20.
Habataitara modorenai to itteshare
Mezashi-ta no wa aoi aoi ano sora
what the *beep* are you talking about being unconcious for more than a few seconds means you have a massive concussion
shareYes, this is the end here. Resurrection doesn't exist to me. Perhaps a normal human man could be unconscious for that length of time, but going through a windshield, being hit by a van and then being crushed between the van and a tree.. completely ridiculous and stupid. What were the writers thinking?
Michel died and that is the end to it. Just wish they would release the complete Blu-ray collection over again, only including the first 7 movies.
I agree it, ends here. Also not to mention there's blood on MICHAEL's hands which can be seen when he reaches out to Laurie. Since when do paramedics handle injured and/or lifeless bloody bodies without gloves??
shareWish there was a way that every copy of Resurrection could be destroyed and even then we wouldn't know that an old vhs copy could be stored in someone's basement or attic that they have forgotten about.