It was really a no-win situation, regardless. They painted themselves into a corner with that ending. I understand how they needed an end, but they should've done something different to show Laurie "winning". I'm no good as a writer either, but how about a direct homage to the original, same ending. Michael falls off a railing/balcony, then gets up and walks away, same montage, breathing, evil is everywhere. I imagine no matter what they did, no fan would be satisfied.
The best "endings" for me were the original, II and 5. 4's was ill thought out making a 7 year old girl a killer, talk about a long wait (15 years?) til it paid off. 6's "screaming" empty mask ending... Gah. Even Resurrection's eye opening ending, anti climatic given the circumstances. I don't know, H20 just left a bad taste in my mouth and a poor "finale". Not like Hollywood would let it rest anyway. By now I know better.
"He came home." - Dr. Sam Loomis from the original HalloweeN