MovieChat Forums > Halloween H20: 20 Years Later (1998) Discussion > the scene where a student gives a class ...

the scene where a student gives a class report on the 'Haddonfield Murders'

should have been included. mentioning jamie lloyd would have been a nice acknowledgement to some of the best movies in the series 4-6


Yeah that would've been nice! They really didn't have to write the 4th, 5th, and 6th films out of existence just to focus on Laurie Strode. I know most of them sucked especially the 5th one but they still should've acknowledged them. The 4th film was pretty good, the 5th film was boring, bland, and downright terrible, and the 6th film was only passable due to the over the top killings and the fact that the Myers house was back to being a regular 2-story house instead of being a huge a 3-story Gothic mansion unlike in H5!


i didn't mind 5 and found 6 to be really great with lots of Halloween atmosphere. i haven't seen the producers cut though


Halloween 6 is the only one after 3 that has a proper Halloween atmosphere, I believe whilst watching that the events of the film are actually happening on Halloween night. 6 has always been badly done to in my opinion.

As for the class report scene I would have rather scene the original helicopter ending than the report however, it would have been good to see none the less.


what was the helicopter ending? ive never heard about this


what was the helicopter ending? ive never heard about this


The finale of the film had Michael chasing Laurie in a school bus, some how it all culminated in Michael being decapitated by the propeller of a downed helicopter.


that sounds a bit convoluted and over the top to me. i already found the ending to h20 implausible as it was but still possible (her surviving the crash and him being pinned under the tree).

decapitation by helicopter sounds absurd i like that she did it herself

i do however love how many things from this film were changed or left out, im still hearing new stuff almost 20 yrs later


somewhere online is Kevin Williamsons original treatment for the film, if I find it I will post it here.


Here it is:
This is a treatment not a script so it's edited and reads more like a book than a script. It's only 6 pages long but it gets the point across.



interesting but i have a hard time believing that was a legit treatment it seems like sloppy fan fiction.

but i dont know. if its real im glad they went with what they did. i liked the intimacy of h20 and how it was just laurie and michael at the end and few characters throughout. a huge dance with a bunch of kids would have been too typical. i liked how the place was so barren


Don't get me wrong I absolutely love Halloween H20 however what one must remember is that this is a slasher movie, let me explain, Halfway through the film the entirety of the school disappears to Yosemite National Park , suddenly this slasher film is bereft of people to kill which makes H20 a bit of a joke in that respect, as I said I love H20 but I knew that the scene in which the school leaves for Yosemite National Park will have annoyed slasher fans. This is why I like Williamsons idea, there's plenty to kill whilst still remaining entertaining and having Laurie still confront Michael one last time.


oh i get all that. i understand people either love or hate h20. it definitely has its haters and i can see what you're saying. but the very fact it was so different and the finale was basically a showdown between michael and laurie without any secondary useless characters clogging up screen what i loved. tho i can totally understand how some dont enjoy that.

at the time this came out we had already had 3 halloween films in a row with increasingly high body counts and over the top kills (4-6)... it was done to death. i liked how this changed the pace completely. and made it more of a thriller than a straight up slasher.


Well I agree with you. I just want more. I like all the films released around the same time as this because there more thriller than slasher such as I Know What You Did Last Summer, Urban Legend and Scream.


If that had happened then they would have had to dealt with these points -

- Laurie has two children almost the same age
- Laurie abandoned one of those children
- Laurie faked her own death in order to abandon one of those children
- Laurie was able to enter witness protection while in the process of abandoning one of her two children
- Laurie was put in witness protection in spite of the fact that the person she's being protected from is an invalided, certified vegetable
- Laurie somehow believes his body was never found
- Laurie faked her death while supposedly "the happiest her friends had ever seen her" according to the press clippings in Loomis's office
- Laurie is a functioning alcoholic
- Laurie became principal of an exclusive California boarding school in spite of being an alcoholic while in witness protection
- Laurie's over protectiveness of seems to only matter in respect of one of her two children born almost a year apart.
- Laurie is so wired about Michael returning that she is ignorant of the fact that her brother was in a hospital for ten years and escaped to return to Haddonfield three times to terrorise her daughter before killing her three years before this movie, and this is the first time Laurie is hearing about it.

- Sam Loomis knew that Laurie was actually living relatively comfortably with Jamie's brother the whole time that he was failing to protect her.

I guess for fans who just want to connect films that were made separately to try and make them more real it's "nice".

For people with taste and tact, making something real requires more than two separate fictional events acknowledging each other when those things were inspired by entirely different motivations and sentiments and monies.

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