Disappointing as an Anniversary Film
Don't get me wrong. I do actually like this film and think it's a fairly decent conclusion to the series. However, I think that it was fairly lacking as the big epic 'Twentieth Anniversary' series finale it was supposed. This kind of goes hand-in-hand with the common criticism that it is too derivative of Scream. At times the movie felt like it was trying so hard to be 'cool'. This extended down to the casting. Given its the anniversary film, why not bring back Charles Cyphers or Tom Atkins? I've heard some complaints that the absence of Dr. Loomis left a bit of a hole in the series' dynamic, an assertion I concur with. Why couldn't they have brought back Sheriff Brackett? It'd be appropriate considering he helped hunt down Michael in the original, and he'd have a proper motivation in avenging his daughter. But instead, they felt the need to shoehorn in LL Cool J. Plus, all the scenes with the students felt so forced and at odds with the tone of the series.