MovieChat Forums > Halloween H20: 20 Years Later (1998) Discussion > I wanted to believe that this pulled a "...

I wanted to believe that this pulled a "F13 Part 5" when I first saw it

And thats because Michael Myers looked fake.

Michael or whoever that was never convinced me as the boogeyman.

Before Resurrection came out I believed that "the real" Michael was in that film and "reveal" that the killer in H2O was never Michael but when Resurrection revealed that Michael changed place with a paramedic, that was one of the most idiotic idea I've ever known.


It was a mess from the beginning, either way you went, copycat in H20, copycat in Res. the fans would've been pissed. No win situation.

"He came home." - Dr. Sam Loomis from the original HalloweeN



I really did thought the killer in H20 was a copycat. He didnt feel like Michael.



Michael picking up a set keys, takes his time to find the right key to unlock the gate to kill John and Molly 

The shape would've just rattled the gate and then rip it open with his freakish strength.



That was only one with a closet

He smashed the kitchen door with his bare-hands in the Wallace house.

2 using a scapel for a wood door

He was banging on it then broke in.

six he had to find another way around.

-He smashed a hospital staff through a gate and pushed it open.

-Broke into another door with his bare hands in the final chase scene.

Michael wouldnt pick up a set of keys to find the right one to unlock a door to kill someone.


I'm sorry but I have to disagree with you both. The keys added some cliched suspense, but at least it's suspenseful. It would've been creative and different for him to literally rip open the gate and kill them both right there although risky. But really? He's going to rip the metal door off it's metal hinges? I've never thought twice about that twice.


But really? He's going to rip the metal door off it's metal hinges?

Yes really. Classic Michael would've ripped open that gate door with his bare hands using his freakish strength..


Besides that key scene, the killer overall seemed like a rookie and a copycat. Its still impossible for me to accept that he's Michael till this day.





Yeah I just got that.


I kept thinking Laurie's counselor boyfriend would turn out to be Michael.
She had a few fake scares of "seeing" Michael and it turned out to be him.

But, I've also always had the fantasy of having a Halloween movie in which we get to see a minor character speak and interact to a main one, and then in the end it is revealed that it was Michael indeed...

I'll be good I swear... I'll never see a movie ever again.


I know it was in earlier drafts. Maybe that was the intention.
