MovieChat Forums > From Hell (2001) Discussion > this is the most factually incorrect mov...

this is the most factually incorrect movie ever

first of all there was only four deaths. william gull was never proved to be the killer and was not sent to a prison. frederick aberline never loved any of the victims. frederick did not have an opium addiction. frederick did not die as young as his character did in the book he died at age 86. jack the ripper was never found. frederick did not have that much incounter with william gull. even if this is just fictional it was still way over done. the horror was not needed at all. the stupid horror just took away from the plot. although i love johnny depp this has to be one of his worsts because the ending was ridicuos as well.


i agree with u honey... i was thinking the same thing all throughout the movie... i kept telling my girlfriend that "this is definitely not the true version of the events" so she wouldn't get her history wrong! .... totally off the real events!!!


"The Crucible" (as much as I love it) is also a really historically inaccurate movie. I think that if I was making a historical movie I would be obsessive about making sure the facts were right, lol


Yes it is very factually wrong but a very good movie none the less. And there were actually 5 Jack the Ripper murders the movie was right on that.


Uh, this movie was based off the Alan Moore graphic novel, not the police reports...

-I think George Michael is hiding Anne in the attic.
-From who, the Nazis?


No one was ever proved to be the killer. Not in the public eyes. That's why this movie make's it so that the killer isn't proved in the public eye.
But I don't know why i'm even writing that because the movie isn't based on truth!
It's a good horror movie and someone's interpetation of the very mysterious Jack the Ripper case. Why were you trying to watch it as fact? That's like watching 300 and questioning the truth in that, or a million and one other historical movies for that matter.


True but this never proclaimed to be telling the truth. It's based on a work of fiction and most historians link 5 murders to Jack the Ripper, the canonical five which includes:

Polly Nichols
Annie Chapman
Elizabeth Stride
Kate Eddowes
and the youngest being Mary Jane Kelly (who surives in the film but was reportedly hacked to pieces by Jack)

However, recently many are including Martha Tabram as a possible murder victim as well and there are disagreements amongst many in reference to the five canonical victims. Although personally I agree with the general opinion that there were at least 5 victims but we will never be 100% sure.


Elizabeth Stride has recently been though by some commentators to be a doubtful Ripper victim ...several differences in method suggest she may have been killed by a non-Ripper murderer, but her death was attributed to him ...a strong suspect is her part-time de-facto, Michael Kidney. If she was killed by someone else, this would diminish the almost superhuman aspects of the "double event".

But you ARE Blanche ... and I AM.


Elizabeth Stride has recently been though by some commentators to be a doubtful Ripper victim ...several differences in method suggest she may have been killed by a non-Ripper murderer

Well, actually that's not entirely true. It is indeed the big question if Liz was a JTR victim or not, and i'm still not 100% sure what to think. But however, the method she was killed by was exactly the same as the previous/following victims (apart from mary Kelly).
All first four victims (meaning: Nichols, Chapman, Stride and Eddowes) had their throats cut while lying on the bare floor outside, which was always a big mystery as mostly it was pouring rain. So it suggests they were willing to lay down, and that was higly unlikely under the circumstances (prositutes would "serve" their clients while standing up in those days, by the way).
Some think he cut them while they were falling down, others think he forced them - even though there were no signs of a struggle.
Also, the cut always started from left going right, cutting once, and almost severing the head. They all had similar cuts, circumstances and the same cause of death.

So it is very possible Elizabeth Stride was a JTR victim after all, but if she was he probably was disturbed during the murder. She was killed near a crowded building, and people were walking in and out. Only a couple of minutes before her body was found someone passed by and saw nothing (mind, she was laying near the entrance). Then only a very short time after, someone passed by and there she was. Also, the wound on her throat was still very fresh, as blood was still gushing out. It is thought that her murderer, whoever he was, was hiding behind the building or in the bushes, which was possible.


But you ARE Blanche ... and I AM.


Thanks for the link. I did read this page in the past, and this is what I thought of it:

It was never proven that the killer of the other victims was left handed.
In fact, they initially thought it was a possibility due to some facts, but later it was stated that he could well have been right handed too and most probably even was (though, it seems lots of sources seem to forget to pick this one up..).

About the sites. All victims, apart from Mary Kelly, were murdered in an area where the murderer(s) could have been caught easily. Not just Liz Stride.
For example, Nichols was murdered in Buck's Row and on the opposite side were Essex Wharf and a warehouse, which had working men coming in and out all night (changing shifts). Don't think I need to explain myself on this one.

Chapman was murdered in the early morning, sun was already starting to rise. So he could easily been seen (with his victim or leaving the crime scene). There were 29 people living in the house of the backyard where she was killed, and some already were awake and preparing to leave house (through the backyard) and don't forget she was killed near Spitalfields market on a market day. So alot of people were already out in the streets. Chapman even has been seen with a man (if they spoke the truth, of course).

Eddowes was murdered on Mittre Square during the same night as Stride. Though she was killed in the darkest corner, Mittre square had 2 police men living on the site and every 15 minutes a police officer would check the scene.

I'm not saying that Stride was a JTR victim, but I haven't read anything on the casebook page that proves she wasn't either. To be honest, I think casebook is a great website and I read the forums alot. But the information on their website pages include quite a few errors, because alot of false reports on the murders have been spread throughout the years. If you want all those errors and myths gone and read something more close to what really happened, you should read The Complete History of Jack The Ripper, by Philip Sudgen. Even he will probably have made some mistakes, as the whole case was so chaotic to begin with, but he's very close to the truth and based himself upon REAL evidence and facts, which are all explained by him.


So, who is your favourite suspect ... i rather like Francis Tumblety.

But you ARE Blanche ... and I AM.


What's also highly unlikely (even impossible) is that Freemasons were remotely responsible for the killings. As far as I'm concerned this film gives really bad name to the Freemasonry and might fuel all these rubbish conspiracy theories about New World Order, etc. I'm not going to go through the details but as a Freemason I felt rather offended by it.





The point is that its a movie, not a documentary! They can make up whatever story they like, its their movie. You want to watch something factually correct either make your own or watch a documentary!


What do you mean jack the ripper was never found? For all we know he could of been a mason that was rightly punished by them. They wouldnt let the whole world know that he was mason would they.



doublem1 actually has a good point, at least partially. There have always been rumors that JTR's identity was known but not released. Some say he was not identified until after his death, and connections to the royal family prevented release of his identity. Others say he was identified and privately penalized, with the same secrecy. Some say he may have been murdered. No one knows for sure, but it is likely his identity was known by some officials.

If my 'facts' are incorrect, take it up with the folks running the nighttime JTR tour in London... that's where I got them.

The wild, cruel animal is not behind the bars of a cage. He is in front of it.


This was actually a very interesting and entertaining motion picture. There are elements of truth to it (the 5 intended victims) but its very "Hollywood"
(Fred Abberline did not look like Johnny Depp--but that's one of the things that makes this picture good) Also, according to "official" reports, the Ripper was never caught. This picture is based on one particular theory, it is not the absolute "true story", but it was not meant to be. I also think that the filmmakers assumed the audience would not want to see Heather Graham's character killed, since she was so beautiful, and caring (remember she was genuinely concerned about Ann Crook's baby) Whether or not that actually happened in real life with the real Mary Kelly (who was horribly murdered) is a different story. According to accounts I have read the "girls" really did not know each other very well, wheras here, they all seemed to be friends, and tried to stay together as best they could (until Liz ran off & got killed). Mary was the youngest and was said to be still very attractive, and that is said to be part of why the Ripper mutilated and killed her so brutally.




You've not seen U-571 then?
