was a proper explanation of Ian Holm's motives and beliefs. He says he has started the 20th century, that the great architect spoke directly to him etc. But really, what did he mean by that? What did he think gruesomely killing 5 prostitutes would change in society or humanity? What was the link between his own philosophy and the freemasonic philosophy? How did he see him as different from any other murderer? This is never explained in the movie, and I think it is really missing.
Does the original graphic novel provide more explanations for Jack the Ripper's motives and beliefs?
The short version - keeping women subjugated was the purpose of the murders.
In the graphic novel Dr. Gull is initially assigned to track down and silence these women for trying to blackmail the royal family. However, the ritualized nature of the murders are due to the doctor's own motivations.
Gull believed that there were two sides of the brain. There was the male side representing logic, reason, order and law and there was the female side representing creativity, imagination, freedom, magic and chaos.
Gull believed that the female side was gaining strength with the rise of the woman's suffrage movement, socialism and spiritualism and he didn't like it. He believed his murders had a ritual significance and would continue to keep women subjugated to men.
There is a lot more in the book about sun gods (male), moon gods (female), and symbols representing these principles in the architecture of Hawksmoor's churches in the East End of London. Additionally, there were some transplanted (okay stolen) Egyptian relics like Cleopatra's needle strategically placed in the city that tied in with those symbols. There was even significance to the way the streets are arranged to a pattern on a map.
It's a fascinating book. But be warned that it is very violent and very sexually graphic. And pretty expensive for a paperback too. But the book affected me a lot more deeply than the movie ever could.
"Gull believed"- is there any evidence Gull(who never actually murdered anybody, but is being made out to be a serial killer without a shred of evidence) believed this stuff, or were these things just being attributed to the "Gull" we have presented in the "From Hell" fiction. It sounds to me like an attempt to caricature something he thinks was a reactionary, rather fascistic aspect of "Victorianism" by a twentieth century writer pushing an agenda ("nutty right wingery killed the Whitechapel 5"-in fact the "right wingers", like say the militaristic Sir Charles Warren, were as desperate to stop and catch the Ripper as anyone else).
How on earth would a Victorian think of the female as representing "creativity/imagination" in opposition to the male, who he must therefore have thought less likely to have these qualities-for this period, the concept would seem risible. He surely would have been hard put to find his evidence... trying to think of the female equivalents to all those myriad creative and imaginative males (Shakespeare, Da Vinci, Newton, Luther, Kant, Beethoven, Mozart, Tolstoy...). I'm not saying the female tends to intrinsically lack these qualities, the reasons for this deficit are probably simply social and political rather than anything else-but a Victorian would have seen precious little evidence of female input into these areas over the centuries compared to an overwhelmingly male one. He probably would have found the idea laughable, not built a theory out of it and then, for goodness sake, murdered a bunch of prostitutes nobody had ever heard of in a wacky plot to stifle some perceived fem threat to male hegemony. The coherence of all this escapes me.
I responded to your new PM, yet again (sorry for continuously doing this; I just know that some folks have their message board reply notifications forwarded to their E-mail, but not necessarily the PM notifications forwarded, and so I do this to make sure you know you have a new PM waiting).
I'm not a control freak, I just like things my way
Oh, thank you for taking the time to answer me. Your post makes me want to read the graphic novel, I think I'll go buy it. It seems really much more interesting and deeper than the movie.
Also it's nice to see someone answering a long answer like this and not: "Jeez go read the book you dumb noob!" like you see on the Game Of Thrones boards (for instance) all the time! :-)