A few gripes

I watched this the other day and noticed the characters were calling the killer 'Jack the Ripper' BEFORE the letter (from which the nickname originated) had been sent/received.

Also, when is Hollywood going to learn that cockney people don't pronounce every 'T'. Hearing Johnny Depp saying things like "Yes, iT is imporTanT", over emphasising all those bloody T's is so annoying. Then again that mockney muppet Jason Statham has been doing it for years.

Above all though it got me thinking about the case, the mystery of it all and just how far we've come. If the Ripper was around and killing today, to catch him all the police would have to do is look under R in a telephone directory.


If the Ripper was around and killing today, to catch him all the police would have to do is look under R in a telephone directory.

What decade are you living in? Lol


I know, its annoying isn't it? I also find it annoying that they receive the infamous "From Hell" letter before the "double event." It has been highly debated whether or not the kidney belonged to Catharine Eddowes, which would then prove if it was legit or not.

This isn't a bad movie, but it is so disappointing they settled on the lazy, long discredited conspiracy theory that has been done before in film, rather than making an intense, thought provoking thriller. I also don't like how they presented their theory as fact. I remember the extras on the DVD had them talking about the "research" they did.

Randy Pigford says a dream project requires embezzling funding, lying & ripping off the fans


I thought that it lost its way very early on , and just dragged its way to an anti climax .

Poor stuff indeed .
