My theory

From what I feel about it (and I mean feel in a psychic sense) there were 2 killers. They worked together, one was upper class and the other was like his errand boy but he was dirty and disgusting. They had a relationship, a sexual hangup for each other and women disgusted them but the slaughtering was exciting.

The dirty one was not as educated as the first and he did most of the work. They worked as a team, and one of them dressed as a woman so they could hide the bloody items beneath the skirts and no one would notice. A couple in an alley making out would seem normal so they used that ruse.

At times they pretended to be drunks walking around and the police were looking for a single man, not a pair. They easily got away because they were the opposite of what was expected...they were loud and obnoxious...the police walked right past them.

It was a sexual blood lust that wasn't satisfied by what they did, it became an obsession that couldn't be controlled until one of them killed the other.

The educated guy had a high-up position, I don't know if he was a lawyer or doctor but he pretended that he didn't know the dirty guy. They met in secret, the 1st guy lived away from the nasty place they hunted in. theory may seem a bit out there but when I get these feelings I go with them. I am seldom wrong and my husband is freaked out when I start any sentence with "I have a feeling".

Any thoughts???



Who knows, it sounds possible...


Reading this is sending chills up my spine. I too ALWAYS followed the murders, and ALWAYS "felt" two energies or people that worked as one. I NEVER thought it was one person. I am going to go even more forward with your theory, and stand that Scotland Yard knew who the "well-educated"killer was,as as his "errand boy", but their where a few things that I felt kept them from exposing these men, and bringing them to justice. (Now ofcourse this is my "feelings" based on energy of the pics I have seen today of the murder)

1. The doctor was from a high-standing family,and I personally feel officials were paid off,shut-down,or simply demoted or given higher positions just to keep this under wraps.

2. I also feel that the fact of homosexuality also kept these killers from justice,especially the doctor (and I feel it was a doctor even more now), as he was married into a VERY high ranking family. This simply brought on denial on every level.

3. I feel the "errand boy" would have been blamed specifically, but he had made it known that he would bring down the "whole house of cards" (i keep hearing this statement in my head), and had also told a few people about what was going on. I "feel" these people were killed as well.

4. I also this "errand boy" was killed, or someone was paid to kill him about a year after the last murder. These are just things I "feel" after viewing the pics.

5. I also "feel" that a few of the pictures have things that are missing, like they are staged or items the murderers placed their , well some of the items are gone. And I "feel" that the police were responsible for this. I feel the killers, at least one,left a clue or clues that could have easily brought them to justice,but I "feel" these things were taken away,or missing. Cant explain that one.

6. I keep getting the feeling that certain organs were cut out from the women because of envy, and or rage, but def. envy. (hence my theory that one of the killers was a crossdresser or male prostitute that dressed as a woman to obtain clients)

Its all far fetched, but these are just things i "feel" Id also like to add one more thing, when you said one of them was "wearing a dress". I got this energy and "feeling" again. The "errand boy" feels very feminine to me, almost like a cross-dresser, and may have been, and one of the women killed exposed his "secret" to other male patrons at one point and time, which either got him hurt, or ridiculed, and he had a grudge against her, and that was his reason for picking her to kill. I don't know which one, but thats what I "feel". And yes, the "errand boy" was a prostitute, that how they met. Its interesting how i read your explanations, and it seemed to "continue" with me. Again it all just far-fetched,just my thoughts and reach into the universe to find out more about this infamous crime in history. Thanks for being a wonderful conduit,

Many blessings


Without the sexual aspect this is essentially what the book posits. It has Gull and Netley roaming around seeking out these women and killing them. Although in the book Netley is mostly the helper, getting the women to enter the carriage or an alley where Gull will kill them. In the novel they use Netley to explain some evidence related to the killings. For example one of the victims was seen with a man of more lower class dress shortly before she was murdered. In another case Gull goads Netley into performing some post mortem mutilations on the body which Netley does half heartedly. This explains why some of the wounds on the body were very shallow and others deep. Also, in the novel Gull dictates the From Hell letter to Netley and so the poor spelling in the letter is the result of Netley's semi literate state.

"Unless Alpert's covered in bacon grease, I don't think Hugo can track anything."


Knock yourself out.

Son, untie your father and me!
Quickly, before they return!
Hurry, Elijah!


I'm sorry, did you lot say you "feel" it from looking at the photos? Well, I'm sold.

Who lives in the east 'neath the willow tree?


Hey Nancy, I like your theory. It's something I actually never thought of, but could be well true. Though, not stating that I think it IS what happened!
Just a fresh and good theory.

Though, I do want to reply on one of your arguments:

At times they pretended to be drunks walking around and the police were looking for a single man, not a pair. They easily got away because they were the opposite of what was expected...they were loud and obnoxious...the police walked right past them.

The police actually wasn't ordered to look out for a single man, but for couples. That's right, a male and a female together. The were asked to follow couples to make sure it wasn't the murderer and his victim.

Also something about this point you gave:

The dirty one was not as educated as the first and he did most of the work.

You know that with most victims, the killer only had a very short time to "finish his job" by mutulating them. With Catherine Eddowes he most probably even had only a few minutes to operate (because the area was guarded by police every 15 minutes and there were also other people passing by) and it is known that in at least the cases of Eddowes, Annie Chapman and Mary Kelly the coronor though it was the work of a surgeon or someone who had anatomical knowledge.
The way cuts were made, without damaging other parts, the lack of blood, etc. Proved that the killer knew exactly what he did and how to do it.
Anyone who was not educated could never have committed these murders. So IF there were two of them, and IF one was not well educated, it's highly unlikely he did the dirty job. I'd say he was on the lookout.




Very interesting theory and possible for the most part. Just one thing, I'm almost positive that Jack the Ripper was straight or Jill the Ripper if you subscribe to that theory was a lesbian. The crimes were obviously motivated sexually and sex offenders usually go after the gender they find attractive.
