Has anybody ever had a body cast?What was it like?
I'm just wondering because I was thinking about doing that myself.A face cast too.
shareI'm just wondering because I was thinking about doing that myself.A face cast too.
sharewhy are u thinking of doing it? are u injured?
shareNot that kind of body cast.Basically,they make a mold of your body,usually the torso.It's basically a kind of sculpture.In the movie,I'm told,Frida has one made of her.
shareshe broke her spine so she had a body cast, not a mold of her body but an actual cast.
shareItchy. Also, you can't move till it sets.
There's a kit that pregnant women can buy to make casts of their big bellies. I don't know who makes it, but maybe you can google it. Pretty popular.
I just did it for a project for a 3D design class. It's not too bad with plaster gauze and lots of vaseline so you can get yourself out of the cast. Some people saran wrapped over their clothes and then casted over it. I thought it was pretty fun and would do it again.
A MINICAM!!!??? - Francine Fishpaw
ive done it for my 3d project as well and also in hospital. they're not exactly the same cos 1 is for art/pleasure and the otha is for health and safety. the 1 in hospital was for my back cos my spine is curved so this was a castin for my brace. i also wore 1 from my chin down to my hips when i was 10 cos i just had an operation and was quite major.
shareWhen I was 19 I was in a car accident and broke my femur in 2 places. They did surgery(s) to insert metal plates & screws, and put me in what is called a "partial" body cast. It covered my torso, up to my chest and came down on one leg (the one with the broken hip), to my knee. The other side just wraped around my abdomen, just above the crotch (itchy!!!). It looked like Frida's but her's covered one entire leg, and part of the other. Mine, being partial,
only came down one leg halfway. The biggest difference is that mine was not plaster, it was fiber-glass, much lighter! They had me wear it for 3 months until they realized that I was not healing. They cut it off and had to do another surgery w/bone graft, which did the trick. I can't imagine being in a full body cast, Yikes! With mine at least I was able to get around on crutches, though I felt kinda like a weeble (weebles woble but they don't fall down), lol!
If anyone wonders, yes I eventually healed after a year on crutches and 3 surgery's, hurt's like hell when it rains though....Itchy, itchy, itchy..
I had the same thing when I was 12. I broke one femur and was in the middle of a growth spurt. It wasn't the worst thing ever, I got used to it pretty fast, but I wouldn't want to do it again, not even for art's sake....(it's called a "Spika" cast, I may be spelling it wrong, but yours sounds identical to what mine was....)
shareI have scoliosis, so they had to to body cast for my nighttime brace. It was really nothing at all. They but me in this full body cloth, and then a second layering of it. They put one of those long sticks that you can cut against without having to worry about the other person. They put the casting around me. We waited for it to dry, and then they cut it off. It was so bland really. Just like getting a cast on a foot or something.
This is not part of my post XD
I haven't but when my friend broke her back she had a metal corset a bit like Frida had to wear. Obviously medical advances have been made since Frida's time. She said the main this was not being able to move as she used to for months. I tried it on for a while when she got it taken off. I think I would of managed a day and then it would of just been too much!