They gave each other alibis as to what they did in the truck (and overall, being the only survivors) and with Brill gone, they did not have to admit to anything beyond what authorities can prove. If a federal law enforcement employee gets charged, they're represented by a government lawyer, so the character's motivation might have been this: even though the FBI seized the evidence, defendants and their lawyers have the right to access it, and he (or both of them) made the Xanatos Gambit, that their lawyers will know, for who they actually work for, and press the top brass into giving them immunity by painting the picture, that Reynolds had hijacked a routine training, and the black ops guys worked for Reynolds, not the NSA.
The tactic would have worked, since federal law enforcement agencies don't like external probing, and would stonewall the other agency. Just remember, when the ATF was forced to reveal just what went wrong in Fast and Furious, and they submitted a 900-page document, that was mostly redacted, and that was post-9/11 and to the Congress. The truth is, that the CIA and the NSA has a condescending relationship toward the FBI, and it comes as no surprise, that they aren't keen to share any intel with the Counterintelligence or the Counter-terrorism unit of the FBI despite the Patriot Act practically forcing them to. They view the FBI since Watergate as cops view internal affairs.
In context the FBI guys have thought he wasn't smart for stonewalling, but that's just forgetting how 18 minutes are missing from the Watergate tapes (by "accident) or how North claimed to not recall anything. They aren't sorry for doing it, they're sorry for being caught, and FISA has established a wall they seemed unnecessary to work efficiently. The problem is, that RICO still managed to get the right guys without the need to spy on every Italian Americans, and they don't accept this, because they're not detectives, and so they fail to make to the right connections. Reynolds claimed to not being interested in who does coke or cheat on their wives, but the character of Black is actually the closest to outed NSA agents who rather listened to private internet porn (or played World of Warcraft) rather, than actually follow up on suspected or verified terrorists.
I live in the Gordius Apartment Complex, my interior designer was M.C. Escher.