Viking countries?

What country was it when vikings first appear and what was the country they went for help?


When I read the book on which this movie is based, it was stated that the first encampment was on shores of river Volga somewhere in modernday Russia, it was not stated to which country they went, but it is implied that it might be southern Sweeden...


Hmm i live in southwest of Sweden and we don't have mountains (or larger hills) like that in the south at all. My guess would be Norway.


The landscape would suggest Norway, in addition they all speak bastardized norwegian.


thor_sig Sun Apr 7 2013 13:10:08
Judging by the landscape, my guess would be Norway.

araldion (Fri Sep 26 2014 15:27:53)

The landscape would suggest Norway, in addition they all speak bastardized norwegian.

araldion (Fri Sep 26 2014 15:28:53)

They also speak a bad version of Norwegian most of the movie. The landscape is typical Norwegian as well.

Filming location was British Columbia (Canada).
Beautiful area!
And leastwise Dennis Storhøi as a Norwegian can speak good Norwegian.

Hey, what happened to your posts, araldion?
All gone?!


We first meet them near the Volga river in Russia.

The country they helped is supposed to be Denmark where King Hrothgar resides.


Hrotgar was at Beowulf and the he reigned in 6th century but Islam (which Banderas' character is part of it) founded in 7th century.


Judging by the landscape, my guess would be Norway.


They also speak a bad version of Norwegian most of the movie. The landscape is typical Norwegian as well.



The first contact was on the Volga in Russia which made sense because the Viking ( the Rus there ) were traders and warlords there. Plus it is fairly close for an Arab emissary to be there. The final land isn't identified but in Beowulf ( on which the story is loosely based ) Beowulf is a Geat, a tribe from Southern Sweden. If, as the poster says, there are no mountains there, the story is just taking creative license.
