Huge Lack Of Logic (Small Spoiler Here)
This army with huge bear heads and claws really made the story come off as just hokey and silly. I could buy in to the idea that they have some warriors in the front lines appear like this, but not a whole army of hundreds.
First off: Bears don't travel in packs and they spread out away from each other. To kill off enough bears to equip an entire army would take many years over a great distance....Especially using the weapons of the times.
Second: Like I mentioned..... You might have some warriors in front dressed that way for a psychological effect, but not your total force. Imagine going to war with swords and knives in a head gear with extremely limited vision (The head looked full bear so there couldn't have been much vision holes to look out....I'm guessing even the stunt guys had a real tough time using them). This is even more crucial considering they attacked under cover of the mist and in the dark. How they could see anything is beyond me. On top of that is hearing anything behind you......Ya right. A warrior who does close quarters hand to hand is going to wear a huge head that prevents him from hearing anything behind him......Never happen.
The movie was pretty good up to that point, but from there on it just seemed silly.....I couldn't even sta awake to the end because of the nonsense