
Watched this the other night (hadn't seen it for years).
It struck me how respectful the movie is to the idea of God and his/her intentions. People who were offended by Dogma really have to take a look at themselves. OK, Catholics get a bit of a dig, but not without some justification.

Kevin Smith was never out to offend, just point out the ridiculousness of the situation.
It shows how organized religion can get it 100% wrong sometimes.

Obviously there's lots of crude humour, but it is a KS film! At the heart of it I saw a lot of love and respect. Good story too.

She's a man, it's a sled, he's dead already.


It's a great movie that I have seen many times.

"I will not go down in history as the greatest mass-murderer since Adolf Hitler!" - Merkin Muffley


I'm a Christian, and I agree with that.

As you say, the crudeness was to be expected given the KS movie, but I didn't find it very offensive... but then, I'm not a Catholic.



Speaking as someone who was also raised Catholic and raised my own little Catholic...I and my Catholic sister, brother, and daughter think this movie is hysterical. We also think that any Catholic that is insulted by this movie doesn't get humor, satire, and actual commentary on sins like greed and hate being performed every day by millions of so-called Christians.

A side note: my daughter did a IB film project that used this film to show that Bethany actually went through modern trials and tribulations, just as early Christians would have done, and had doubts, lapses in faith...and that the Bible shows that; she drew parallels. Perhaps Christians should think more about what they are watching.


I'm an atheist. If your faith is so fragile that a silly movie (which, it must be said, does ask some good questions) can fill you with spasms of outrage, well, you're probably beyond help as a sensible human being.

True, it skewers modern Christian beliefs left, right and centre... and yet, by the movie's end, God has been shown to be all-powerful, and the main character's very wobbly faith in God has been completely reaffirmed.

Not bad for a Kevin Smith movie.

Revenge is a dish best served cold.
-- Klingon proverb


It reminds me of how Kingdom of Heaven offended both Christians and Muslims. As Ebert put it, "if you offend both sides, you must be doing something right".


That was Spielberg's response when Munich got attacked from both sides. True then, true now.

Revenge is a dish best served cold.
-- Klingon proverb


I agree.

Say it loud! I'm a plebian and proud! 


I like this movie, and I'm Christian. I didn't find it offensive at all, and Kevin Smith is actually a devout Catholic who takes it very seriously so for all the people offended - I just don't understand them.


I'm Catholic and I think it is one of the best movies ever written. I view it as the way of the world now and what would happen if this came about. It's hilarious, touching and freaky. Just like life. I've lived life and know what not to get offended by. It's not up to me to judge either. I laughed and the actors in it were brilliant.
