MovieChat Forums > Dogma (1999) Discussion > How Can Catholics Attend Church Every We...

How Can Catholics Attend Church Every Week And Not Look Around and

Say "damn, what are we doing?".

Catholicism just seems so blatantly old world, paganistic, and nefarious.

People in ornate robes, gold everywhere, people ritualistically reciting and bowing, worship/praise/prayers to multiple people who are not the one recognized creator and savior.

What seems to be a global child sex fan club.

Eyes need to be opened.


Perhaps. But according to what I recall, the Catholic Church is probably the one Christian religion that has the greatest access to the original thoughts and teachings of Jesus, extending far beyond simple Biblical texts and originating from Jesus' 12 Apostles.

Granted, the church has most definitely strayed, muddled and mucked things up along the way, but its origins are as close to Jesus as a religion can possibly get. And should they decide to shrug off all their dogma, pageantry and get back to their roots, those roots would be the closest to the "son of god" as possible from a religious context.

The Catholic church has a buttload of historical documents and religious artifacts that we probably will never even know about.

This isn;t to say that the catholic Church hasn't lost its way or fallen into the trap of self-importance. Certainly, through the centuries when it became the government, it became just as corrupted as any other government we've seen throughout history. And not unlike today's politicians, we've seen how they struggle hard to "protect their own" amid scandals and corruption.

But I see no problem with praying to the saints or the blessed mother. I see no problem with the pageantry, robes or ritualistic calesthenics. Hell, the standing-sitting-kneeling routines are probably the only exercise some of these people get!

I may not have seen enough of it over the years from the church, but I do see plenty of sincerity and goodness from Catholic people themselves. I don't see that level of sincerity and devotion from the Evangelical Christians who tend to put on a show, judge more readily and wear their faith on their sleeve with a holier-than-thou demeanor, their insulting bumper stickers and their "jesus-fish" stuck to their tailgate.

However we slice it, the style of celebration is never going to be as important as the adherence to the doctrine. You either love, respect and help god, Jesus and your fellow man unconditionally or you do not.



The Catholic church has a buttload of historical documents and religious artifacts that we probably will never even know about.

And why should they horde all that for themselves? Why not try sharing it with other denominations, or the world even to prove their case more?

Why horde it all?


Catholic Church is probably the one Christian religion that has the greatest access to the original thoughts and teachings of Jesus

thoughts of the fictional jew god? LOL

They invented the religion!


AN excellent film, brash and over the top as expected, but with a few plot holes as well.

My chief gripe is the way it attempts to mess with my belief system. I do my best to avoid propaganda films, no matter what the rating, and although this is not as bad as some others it doesn't take a genius to see what its going for.

The scene in the parking with Loki and Bartleby in the parking lot when Ben Affleck character flips and rants on with some pretty weighty questions on Christianity and organized religion made me think some. I mean alright, fair enough, they invite one to think. And I did. Paused, and talked it out with my cynic side out loud.

But I definitely do not appreciate it, not when I'm watching a film for entertainment. Debates and diatribes are for other times.



I mean alright, fair enough, they invite one to think. And I did. But I definitely do not appreciate it, not when I'm watching a film for entertainment.
In other words you actually believe that being entertained and thinking are two mutually exclusive things, that one should not stray in the turf of the other, right?

Fanboy : a person who does not think while watching.


You're so right, they do.

Look in the mirror and you'll see those eyes looking back at you. You can read an unbiased history of the Church for starters, written neither by a Catholic nor by a non-historian, but by an academic historian who is interested in researching and relating history as it has actually occurred, with no axes to grind.

I hope you're not one of those so-called "liberal-minded" people who go to the utmost pains to be "tolerant" of other peoples' ideas, deeply-held beliefs, political leanings, sexuality, and so on. If so, you are a hypocrite, my friend, and are probably writing something you know very little about, aside from stereotypes and pre-conceived notions. If you do have first-hand knowledge, my apologies. But you still are most "hateful" in what you say and how you say it.

If you are not one of the above-mentioned people (who preach so-called "toleration", that is) then flame away! You would be a minority in today's world, but at least you're not being hypocritical. I hope you also spew your nonsense regarding other world religions, and basically everything else you find distasteful.


It doesn't just seem paganistic. It is. It's a collection of allegories from pagan religions that predate it. That's how old world powers expanded their influence. You incorporate the beliefs of the local people in order to exercise control. Its' origins can be traced back to troglodytes. And that's what the majority of people base their life on these days. The ideas of a bunch of troglodytes.



Religion, is all about POWER, MONEY

