
I loved Jacqueline! I'm glad they made one of the stepsisters nice. Made me wonder if maybe the King would have transferred Rodmilla's title to Jacqueline or maybe, as a true "sister" to Danielle, would give her a title of her own.

Does anyone else think that Jacqueline looks like the Mona Lisa as she is shutting the doors after they are summoned to court? Her hair, the smile.



That's a good question. I don't see why royalty couldn't give someone a title.

Appeasement is hoping the bear eats you last.


I feel the same way. I love that there is a nice sister in the movie and stayed that way even though her mother often "punished" her with insults and menial tasks when trying to teach Danielle a so called lesson. I always thought she'd get a title and got married to the prince's footman.


I thought the guy Jacqueline was interested was the Captain of the Guards, a noble position. If so, then she wouldn't need to be given a title. She would get one when she married him.


I came here to say the same thing and also ask the question, "Why did the step mom not think this all the way through?" What I mean by that question is, SHE (Step mother) wanted to live in the Castle with her daughter as the Queen. Well, she still cold have with Danielle. I am sure someone else has put this out there....but, even though she hated Danielle, she and her other 2 daughters would live in the castle....something she should of thought of...just a thought.

Thank you Mellyn72 for post. I LOVE Jacquline and YES to the other poster...she looks like the Mona Lisa. :)


In the Disney sequel to Cinderella also, one of the stepsisters becomes nice. Never seen that, but it seems it's at least a part of some variations on the story .

Har ring molassis abounding
Common lap kitch sardin a poor floundin


I don't like that the stepsisters are ugly in that one.

Even if one of them is redeemed, that still leaves one bad ugly sister.

What I liked about Ever After is that of the two stepsisters, it's the most classically beautiful one (who is arguably even prettier than Drew Barrymore in this instance, although under most circumstances back in the day Drew was hot!) who behaves like a complete beetch, and not the homelier one who is in fact a rather nice person.
