Question about clay!

Some time ago I saw chickenrun but I didn't really like it (I would give it a 6,8). But lately there is a Wallace and Gromit DVD on the shelves at my local DVD store wich is lurking.

My question is this: If I didn't like Chickenrun (sorry) is there any chance I'll like W and G?

My favorites among animated/clay/cgi movies are: Shrek, The Nightmare before Christmas and Harvie Krumpet!

PS: Chickenrun lovers please don't be offended!


If you didn't like Chicken Run because of the clay animation, then you probablly won't like W and G either.

On the other hand, if you didn't like the story, I personally think W and G are much quirkier and enjoyable.

It's tought to know why you didn't like Chicken Run, and even tougher to hypothesize if you'd like any other such movies.


Wallace & Gromit is amazing! I love the three Wallace & Gromit shorts and was very disappointed with Chicken Run. - putting the sweetness back into the rock scene!


Well, I've been a huge Wallace and Gromit fan since I was four and prefer that over Chicken Run, but that's just me. I'd suggest renting "Curse and the Were-Rabbit" and the shorts before buying them, just in case.
