Music plagiarism

Am I the only one who's noticed that the music the ant musicians play at the party for the "warriors" sounds remarkably - *remarkably* - similar to the Charlie Mingus piece "Pedal Point Blues"?

Convergent evolution or outright plagiarism?

YouTube "Charlie Mingus Pedal Point Blues" and have a listen if you don't believe me.


Oh, go away.


No, YOU go away.


Yes, I looked it up on YouTube.
Yes, I listened to the whole thing.
No, I didn't like it.
No, it doesn't sound even remotly similar.


Nope, but I have noticed that there are parts of princess and the frog which sounds like Toy Story music and Monsters inc, but considering that Randy Newman did those soundtracks it makes since. It's like when I am listening to Star wars and I hear Harry Potter or vice versa or Indiana Jones.
