court scene question
Ok, I'm a little confused about something. When the girls are at their trial with Yankee Hank and after the boy stands up that was the waiter at the Fancy hotel they snuck into, Hank tells Darlene and Alice that the court knows that they snuck into the hotel and put their drinks on someone elses tab and that demonstrates that they are of low character.
What I'm confused about is that I was under the impression that the girls didn't get caught (they came close though) because Nick Parks (the smuggler dude) apparently overheard the girls talking with the waiter and decided to tell said waiter that the girls were staying with him in his room and signed off on their tab.
(hope that makes sense)
Am I right on this, maybe a possible plot hole, or did I miss out on any dialogue that explained this??
I admit I could be wrong as I've seen this movie 4 or 5 times now, but never seem to catch it completely from beginning to end.
Love this movie but it scares the crap out of me as this would be a nightmare situation to be in, prison in a foreign country with a foreign language and possibly being tricked into signing a confession.
*sorry this was kinda long*
thank you