Paul Walker- why?

I watched the movie last night and noticed on the end credits Paul Walker wasn't listed. I recognized the actor during the movie but wanted to jog my memory on who it was. After searching on here I noticed it says "uncredited" on his page.

Why? Was he added in at the last minute? Dating one of the stars and added for fun? Anyone know?


It's usually some contractual reason. Usually nothing juicy; just union negotiations. He might have gotten a higher salary in exchange for going uncredited (or something along those lines.)


I watched it specifically to see Paul Walker , I had seen it before so I dont want to sit through it again.
Do you know in which part of the film he is in?


He's one of three high school friends that show up to see how they're doing. He said they brought them some padded bras. There was some money in one of the bras.


thanks... i watched it and didnt recognize him... went through that scene.. and there u go... it was really him.. ^^


The guy who played Ferg also played the bass player
in Griffin Holbrook's band on the t.v. show Party Of
Five.And I can see Jeremy in this movie too!In Claire
Danes' part and Jason in Kate's!
