Similarity to Woody Allen's Vicky Christina Barcelona
Although the movie goes in a different direction after the setup, both films have the same premise: Two girls (one shorter, blonde, and the "bad" girl; one taller, brunette with long straight hair, who is the "good" girl) go on a trip overseas together where they immediately meet a guy at a hotel. One of them spends the night with him and then he asks both of them to accompany him to a nearby location (very near but over water again) for the weekend and they agree to go.
This is where the two storylines break, but the number of shared details up to that point is striking. It later comes out that they both have had some romantic/sexual interaction with the guy--just one more similarity. Did anyone find themselves thinking that? I think Allen ripped off the premise and then made a much weaker film. I liked Vicky Christina Barcelona quite a bit, but it is much lighter of a film than Brokedown Palace.