SO sad : (

With apologies..
I just watched this film and I found it so sad I haven't cried so much in ages : (

Whilst checking on imdb I've noticed that many people think that Danes character did it but I really really don't think that either of them did. I loved both of the characters.

In my opinion they were just "bait". However, there is something niggling at me that she might have done it.

I know there are many similar posts on the board but didn't know which one to answer to!


I was crying too when I watched this. I also believe they were the "sacrificial mule" of the drug smuggling ring.

The friendship they shared was like a sisterhood and the sacrifice at the end brought tears to my eyes. This was a very good movie.


agreed, this movie is so underrated.


And Alice's smile at the very last shot is
very moving,like a glimmer of hope she wants
the audience to have.


I don't find it sad at all. If you are stupid enough to lie to your parents about going to Hawaii and then going to some third world country then your stupid arse deserves what you get. Hey atleast they weren't sold into sex slavery which is pretty common in Thailand as well.



Well then it's good we aren't in the same room then isn't it.


I just say it again and my heart breaks in 100 pieces. My eyes are actually hurting from crying. it breaks my heart, it makes me so sad.


i no, iots a verry sad film, just bought it today, but dnt no if i can handle watching it right now, its great when movies are like this


Yes it is great when movies are like this. Even though they are sad, i love watching them. lol


I think it's sad, but I don't cry.

As someone mentioned, they lied to their parents and went on a whim to third world country. BAD DECISIONS. It's pretty much Karma....I feel bad for the Darlene's Dad, thinking his daughter his having a good time in Hawaii but instead gets a call from Thailand. other God calls - The Honorable Sheriff of Nottingham


Yes, BAD DECISIONS. Kids don't have good decision-making skills. And that's the sad part, because these kids suffered because they weren't protected. They act too much on their emotions. They made a bad decision, just like every other kid has done, but the consequences were so extreme here in this situation. That's why its so sad. They lost all the innocence they could have had just because they wanted to risk for adventure.

The Woman of My Dreams... Jill Bennett


Geeez! You are referring to kids that are 10, maybe 15 years old. But if you don´t have good decision making skills at 18, then you are mentally retarded. These "kids" suffered not because they weren´t protected, but because they were extremely stupid.


Should have stuck to Hawaii. Instead they lied and stole at the hotel and trusted some guy just because he can speak English. I have little pity for them. I watched this back in high school and thought it was funny. This just shows how arrogant Americans can be to me. If they were such "sisters" then why did it take the whole movie for one of them to fess up to let the other go? I'm sorry but this is just my opinion they got what they deserved.





Thailand is a really bad place to be especially if you are an American. The corruption in that country is unreal and really -- forget the courts -- they are just as bad as the Chinese ones -- all for show and no real evidence if any is ever produced and it happens every day there. The Thailand country is a nasty roach infested place and the entire country is pointless to ever visit even the monarch is infested with greed and desperate to hang on to its remaining power and will do anything to protect it including secret killings.

What these 2 girls went through is more common then anyone here will ever know and you don't even need to know the person, these drug smugglers will even break into your luggage and hide drugs just to turn you in and create a diversion. It's corruption at the core in Thailand.


Thailand is a really bad place to be if you are an American

Sorry, I would have to disagree with that vehemently. Thai Prison, yes. But I have lived in Thailand 2 different times and am currently living and working in BKK. It is much more safer than the USA, the prices are agreeable, and unless you are doing something bad, the police do not bother you. This country has a lot more freedoms than my former home the US and I will be living here for some time. This is not only my experience, but I have approximately 25 friends who would agree with that statement. One can walk the street here at night and be much safer than in the states, where in many smaller cities, just being a Caucasian in a wrong neighborhood will literally mean you are taking your life into your hands. You don't have to worry about getting into a fight in a bar, (unless it is with a drunk Brit or another foreigner, and even those incidents are rare.

The sun shone, having no alternative, on the nothing new. Samuel Beckett


I 100% agree with you TequilaMockingbird! Thailand is my absolute favorite vacation spot in the entire world! I go there every year for 2 months (for the last 16 years) and have an apartment in BKK. The people are some of the kindest and friendliest you will ever meet; many of my best friends are Thai. It is a very different culture and many Americans get frightened by that. It is WAY safer to live there than most cities in the US. I am a woman who has traveled around the world alone several times and I will eventually live in BKK full time. I will be there again next month and I can't wait. Bangkok is one of the safest cities. I can walk alone outside at 3am if I want and never have a problem. The shopping is fabulous, the food is amazing, and there is so much to learn from that culture.Thai people are some of the most polite, intelligent, and gentle that you will ever meet on this planet. The girls in the movies were stupid, not for going to Thailand, but for trusting a sweet-talking stranger to fly them to another country...why, just because he was cute? I would choose to go to Thailand a million times over Hawaii. Anyone who passes up a visit to Thailand is really denying themselves a visit to one of the most beautiful cultures in this world.


And I'll bet you go swimming in Antartica several times a year too. It's actually much warmer than most of the USA is most of the year, right?


Antarctica, with a "c".


Glad to hear that, we have thought about vacationing there, but I wasn't sure. My husband has been to China 4 or 5 times on business & he loves it. Actually, he was doing charity work & after they finished they took some trips around China. He says the people there are very friendly. He also loves the food. But I am a beach person so Thailand sounds great.


It is much more safer than the USA,

Go jump off a cliff, please.

**I see now, from looking at more of your foreign worshipping BS below that you clearly have some strong stake in this argument. Heck, I've also noticed that Urban has an entry dedicated JUST to you:

Typically a fat white loser in his 50's who trolls around South-East Asia for a slim, submissive young May Ping Pang who wants him for his money and will want to cement their relationship with a child ASAP.
Look at that sweaty, red-faced asiaphile, he can't get a quality woman at home so he goes to Bangkok instead

Yes of course it's "safer" out there, or maybe you're just safer from being rejected for the millionth time, am I right?


Gee, can you tell us how you really feel about Thailand?


''Geeez! You are referring to kids that are 10, maybe 15 years old. But if you don´t have good decision making skills at 18, then you are mentally retarded. These "kids" suffered not because they weren´t protected, but because they were extremely stupid.''

i don't think they were stupid,they were pure ignorant to skips intentions,how could they possibly know what would happen?



Not true! We Our brains aren't fully developed until the early twenties. They were very naive, yes, but not retarded.


Wrong wrong wrong wrong WRONG. The human brain doesn't mature fully until age 25. And even without scientific evidence to back that up, everyone can cite tons of anecdotal evidence of stupid stuff done by young people in their late teens and even early 20s. And: Would YOU want to be bound, at age 40 or 50, by decisions you made at 19? Sheesh.

It's a given that people are still finding their way, and doing dumb stuff, and YES sometimes making huge mistakes in their early 20s. Which is why justice has to be tempered with mercy and some common sense.

Your response shows a hard heart and an unwillingness to accept reality.

"All you need to start an asylum is an empty room and the right kind of people."


You were born 40 years old?


I'm so pleased to discover this thread, and to find that there are other people who feel the same way that I do about this movie! The ending of this movie makes me cry buckets. I watched it again recently, and again I wept at the end. Claire is such a wonderful actress, and you really feel for her courage.

Now this is something I'd like to say. It's a known fact that Claire always wanted to play Joan of Arc, but she never got the chance. I somehow think, when I watch her in this movie, that with her chopped off hair, and martyred ending, that she kind of DID get her chance to be Joan of Arc.



BS to the poster who said Thailand is safer than the US. I know two people who went to Thailand on vacation, one came back with Hepatitis(from food), and the other one was asked to watch a suitcase at the airport by a stranger(how is that for dumb), finally they wise up and walked away from the suitcase.

Otherwise they may have remained there.

It's a third world country no matter how you slice it. The US is by no means perfect, but it is a much safer country.

I have traveled to Europe a few times and hope to see Australia, have no interest in Thailand, I wouldn't go if I won a trip there.

Besides I hate humidity...LOL.


You have to compare apples to apples. I was in Thailand 2 1/2 years ago (Bangkok and Pattaya) and I loved it. I would say that Bangkok is probably safer than just about any large city in the United States. They are tough on crime in Thailand, which is one of the reasons why it is safer. Now I doubt that Bangkok is safer than most small towns in the U.S., but you have to compare apples to apples. And I might note, I have lived in Costa Rica now for more than 4 years (I am a 39 year old American) and I have also traveled to Colombia, throughout Central America, and I have spent a lot of time in Europe (12 countries in Europe) in addition to having been to the majority of the U.S. states.

As for the movie, these girls were asking for trouble, first by lying to their parents about where they were going, and then by trying to effectively steal drinks at a hotel. If paying for drinks was such a big deal for them, then they shouldn't have gone to Thailand in the first place. Plus I am pretty sure that they could have afforded something above where they originally stayed and a little below the hotel that they sneaked into. Having said all of that, assuming that Claire Danes' character really was innocent (i.e. really had no knowledge that drugs were in her bag, and I tend to believe that she was innocent) then no, I don't think that they deserved what they got. You'd have to be pretty heartless to think that, even if the girls weren't exactly paragons of virtue.


Bangkok is probably safer than just about any large city in the United States.

NO it isn't you obnxious contrarian. Repeating something doesn't make it anymore true either. Nobody asked for all the boring details of your not being able to sit still, either.


Take a chill pill! I haven't been to Bangkok in 4 years, and I have talked to others about Bangkok and Thailand who haven't been there in like 10 years. Maybe it isn't NOW, but 5-10 years ago (and longer) I am pretty sure that Bangkok was safer than most large cities (say population greater than 250,000) in the US. Do you have evidence to refute my assertion?

I also I included details of my travels to point out that I have some credibility
on this matter. So you're saying that I am not able to sit still because I like to travel? Why would you have hostility to people who like to travel. I know a fair amount of people who travel more than me, so you must REALLY have a problem with them.


BS to the poster who said Thailand is safer than the US. I know two people who went to Thailand on vacation, one came back with Hepatitis(from food), and the other one was asked to watch a suitcase at the airport by a stranger(how is that for dumb), finally they wise up and walked away from the suitcase.

Otherwise they may have remained there.

It's a third world country no matter how you slice it. The US is by no means perfect, but it is a much safer country.

I have traveled to Europe a few times and hope to see Australia, have no interest in Thailand, I wouldn't go if I won a trip there.

Besides I hate humidity...LOL.

It is generally much safer, but anything could happen anywhere.

Hepatitis being spread by food could happen anywhere.

Anyone could walk up to you anywhere and ask you to watch their bags. That does not mean you should do it.

So because of one incident, a friend getting sick, you would totally rule out going to a country? You are obviously not a traveler.

After living there for five years,I could name you fifty cities in America that are more dangerous than Bangkok, and I have traveled a great deal in America. All 48 contiguous states.

Thailand is by no means perfect, but it is a much safer country.

The sun shone, having no alternative, on the nothing new. Samuel Beckett


What's the deal? Have you got a time-share in Thailand that you're trying to rent? We'll go along with the 'anything could happen anywhere' defense, but don't cite the 48 contiguous states and neglect to mention Hawaii. A vacationing American who'd bypass the Hawaiian Islands for a hell-hole like Thailand deserves the 'anything' up there 'anywhere.'


That is probably why I never mentioned it, I don't like to make comments and pass judgment on places that I have never been.

No time-share. Haha, that is only for the tourists. I moved to Thailand for a good reason, and that is to get away from Americans and their narrow ways of thinking.

Hellhole? Thailand? I think not.


Hahaha, "narrow thinking", okay. Coming from you it's GOT to mean something (Faux-superiority as a "good", valid reason for leaving a country: because all those losers and their lame "escaping persecution" reasons are just lightweights!). By all means, continue thriving in your yellow-fever ridden fantasy world, it's not like you haven't done the US a favor. I don't see why you have to pretend it's anything more "profound" than what it clearly is, though:

*Typically a fat white loser in his 50's who trolls around South-East Asia for a slim, submissive young May Ping Pang who wants him for his money and will want to cement their relationship with a child ASAP.

*A non-Asian person who sees Asian people not as individuals but as sex objects.

*A none asian male who prefers asian women. This attracation is based on shallow perceptions and media stereotypes of asian women.An asianphile believes asian women are better to screw aroud with because they think they are more submissive and much weaker.

*A white western male who has a pathological, sexual obsession with asians and their culture.

*Caucasion American male, usually unattractive and with limited social skills, who is obsessed with Asian females.


vehemently denigrating a place that you know nothing about? Oh! I get it! You watched The Hangover II and think that is what it is really like? Anyway you seem really opinionated about something that you know nothing about. Well, I still stand by my statement about Thailand being generally safer than the states. Having spent 5 out of the last 8 years here, (and having traveled to all of the 48 contiguous states), I should know.

A. You can not travel and resent others who can..
B. You have lost a husband or boyfriend to an Asian girl, and so want to spend your life denigrating them as "slim, (they are that) submissive May Pings", (not submissive, just feminine).
C. You are one of Funkyant's sockpuppets. The aforementioned Funkyant is poster who was jilted by a massage parlor girl in Dallas, and now has a deep resentment towards Asians and those who choose to live in Asia.

As you can see from my picture, which was taken in America, I can get girls inside and outside of Thailand.

In addition to that, there is no risk of Yellow Fever in Thailand, so again you are mistaken.

Why does my choice of places to live anger you so much?

The sun shone, having no alternative, on the nothing new. Samuel Beckett


They were young, naive American girls who had no idea that things could be so different in another country. It's unfair to say they deserved it. It could happen to anyone! Even you!


I completely agree with you, even though for me, alice was innocent too. I loved this film, very sad indeed, more thatn i thought.

"I hate you, I hate us both"


Danes stated herself in a 99 interview[on you tube promoting the movie] that the 2 of them were set up and they didn't know so i think people are perceiving the story wrongly,i don't know why ppl think Alice was guilty,i always assumed they were both 'bait' as you said.



First time I had a chance to watch 99% of the movie, having just seen bits and pieces b4. Didn't realize it ended the way it did. *That* was sad. And no, I don't think either girl was guilty. Not a boring moment in the whole film!


I am with you. The movie has been out since 99 and I've seen a scene or two here and there on TV and whatnot so I thought about the it and came to this board to discuss. Then I got the impression that it wasn't a very happy ending so I watched the whole thing. I thought it was going to be a totally happy ending. Very sad, depressing and scary. Glad I didn't watch it before I went to Thailand back in 05. It's a good movie because it wasn't a totally happy ending. Makes you feel more. I had watched The Beach when it came out in 2000 though.


