Timeframe of movie

--How long were were they there before Darlene eventually went home. I noticed they started to learn the language but unless it was mentioned and I missed it, I never got a understanding of how long they were there.

--I would love to know what the guard said to the girls as she threw them in the hole for attempting to escape. Something was comical about her and I was curious if anyone knew what she said.


I would say a year. Because when their friends from HS came to visit they were talking about how they were already in College, and then the one friend said she saw Darlene's sister and her sister had gotten "so big"-- and they left for vacation right after graduation. So for them to have graduated HSschool---they left in the summer after graduation..when Alice called her dad it was snowing---and her friends came to visit talking all about College...then time after that passed before she was pardoned. I think a full year, to a year and some odd months.
