That's what happened to the Crews character in the movie. He should have gotten 50 years and so should have First Lady laura bush for her real-life vehicular manslaughter. When it comes to highway violence, america is a nation of criminal coddlers.
Screw that "accident" stuff. That's why people speed and drive drunk and drive while on a cell phone. They know they can kill some innocent people and still won't be held accountable.
They don't put you in jail for 50 years for loosing control of a vehicle and crashing, even if it kills someone. It's a tragic accident when someone dies, but it was an accident. How many times have you done something illegal on the streets like speeding, pulling out onto the street without looking both ways twice going around a corner at faster than the posted speed limit. If some kid just happened to be running though there you could have killed them.
And that's why people drive recklessly. They know they can kill some kid and just say the magic words "hey dood, sorry i killed your kid but it was an accident ya know, so let's just forget it". Anyone found at fault in a fatal crash should do decades of can-time. I don't believe in coddling kid-killers.
You're out of your mind, i don't know what kind of issues or emotional baggage you're carrying around but don't press it on other people. There are two elements of a crime: actus reus and mens rea. Actus reus is the external element of a guilty act. Mens rea is the latin term for a guilty mind. Our system of criminal law and justice is centered around a latin phrase: "actus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea" which means: "an act does not make a person guilty unless mind is also guilty". Long prison terms should be reserved for rapists, murderers, armed carjackers and burglars, and people who intentionally inflict damage on others and society. Not people who accidentally lose control of their vehicle or are at the wrong place at the wrong time, but are otherwise productive members of society.
The guy was trying to get home for his daughters birthday and he "accidently" falls asleep at the wheel and kills somebody, remember the film only makes it look like he killed the guy, not a family, and we should totally *beep* him in the a$$ and give him 50 years in prison for that! If that's what you believe than you are a fu*king idiot, plain and simple! How bout a 19 year old kid a year ago leaves a party with friends, then speeds and flips the car and kills a couple of people with him and gets like a year in jail! You are welcome to complain about that, but don't you dare fu*king condem someone for a fu*king accident you cynical pos!
"It's a hell of a thing killin a man, you take all he's got and all he's ever gunna have"
I was hit by a car because the driver fell asleep and very nearly died, but if it had been Patrick Swayze that was driving, I would have said "it's alright."