A question for truckers and mechanics
WHY is it that big truck engines, for rigs, seem to have such little Horsepower?? An average one is about 400 HP. (The one in the rig in this movie is 425HP...pretty good for truck engines evidently..)Yet--they tend to be MUCH larger than car engines of MORE horsepower. Many times--12+ liters.
Now, some have told me, "it is a different type of "horsepower measurement" they use. The big rig engines can produce this power for a LONG time, whereas a corvette with more HP can do so only for a VERY short time, before things go "boom". Also--the big rigs have MUCH more "torque'--giving them the ability to pull many tons." Now-is this true?
And--if the big engines have in excess of 1000ft/lbs of torque--why not rate the horsepower higher??
I am still confused by the "HP vs Torque" argument. I know that "torque is a pulling or turning force, and HP is a MEASUREMENT of the WORK done by that force. But..if one is pulling 30 tons at 65MPH---it would SEEM TO ME--they are ALSO producing a LOT of horsepower.