does anyone get the feeling of a salvia divinorum trip from this movie? the whole feeling of seeing though eyes that are not your own, or that there are others besides yourself watching through your eyes?
especially the scene where malkovich goes through his own portal and everything is malkovich. i swear, its all too similar. i can't be the only one.
Yes. Salvia, DMT, Mushrooms....these all might result in the realization that we are all one and the separation between us is an illusion. I love when someone reveals they have felt this comes up in conversation in random's our little secret....if everyone was somehow clued in, who knows what kind of beautiful world we would create...but it won't ever be that can't get everyone to do this stuff....and many people would be terrified in the face of such a just keep our little secret...pass it along to people that seem like they will get it. It's the way it's always been and always will be.
Lol, what pretentious dribble...DMT and Mushrooms are amazing. But you sound like a complete ass-hat. You took some drugs in an unsupervised location, not for the purpose of psychotherapy, and you think you understand this "oneness" with everyone? IF so, please elaborate a bit more. You can't just say "we are all one, I did it and it's fun to have this little secret with other people. Man, I'm so enlightened!" But you actually don't go into any real details on why we are one, how we are one. Why? Because it'd be babble, you couldn't put it in terms like Neil Tyson did in his video on us being made up of stardust. IF you don't know who Tyson is, he is one of the foremost physicists in the world and an amazing guy to listen to.
You want to learn some truth? Learn some science :)