Silly or Strange things that stand out
- Shuttles are able to survive impacts from rocks, asteroids, micrometeors, you name it.
- The World Trade Center twin tower complex survive being hit by asteroids at tremendous velocities, yet in real life were destroyed by apparent much slower jet engine aircraft.
- The pet survives a direct hit by a meteor and ends up hanging by the leash in New York City's sewer system.
- Shuttle Co-Pilot Jennifer Watts does not have very much screen time for some reason.
- Those Intel Pentium and Pentium II processors that Houston, Launch Control, and the Shuttles have, are able to render graphics and embedded code faster than today's Core i9 processors.
- Radio and Satellite graphics animations and communications are much faster in this movie than even in today's world.
- Animal Crackers were never again viewed the same after watching this movie, by adults, and by kids.
- Some of the main characters died way too early before we got a chance to know them, Owen Wilson's character for example. Bizarre.
- Gravity on the asteroid is the same as Earth and the Russian space station. Very unlikely.
- If an asteroid the size of the state of Texas hit the earth, that would be absolutely devastating, but bacteria would most certainly survive, as would water creatures, and even humans. We have an incredible survival rate in our history.
- The two shuttles would most certainly not tail each other and endanger each other's crews throughout the mission to the asteroid in a real life situation.
- Greenpeace using a massive diesel guzzling ship to protest an oil rig is hilarious. The same applies today with environmentalists and protesters using oil-based technologies such as cellphones, computers, cars, and social networks, while living in their oil-based technological innovations like their home, condo, or apartment, would most certainly not toss out their conveniences.
- Sirens would most certainly not be heard in Paris after being wiped out by a city-killer asteroid, it would be dead quiet. In the movie, the city is turned to dust, yet we hear sirens going off.
- Apparently a greenish mist forms in front of asteroids heading towards earth.
- Mission Control, NASA, all work in dark lit environments with very little light for productivity.