
Most fans seem to ignore the play on words in the title - Ant Z refers to both his name and personality - always restless and looking beyond his borders.

1 entry found for antsy.
ant·sy ( P ) Pronunciation Key (nts)
adj. Slang ant·si·er, ant·si·est
Restless or impatient; fidgety: The long wait made the children antsy.
Nervous; apprehensive: “Camps got shot up all the time, but if there wasn't a shoot-up, they'd get antsy” (Harper's).

Just my two cents ...



I doubt I can sum up my ideas in one sentence.

In order to get to the point I'm trying to make, I have to start at the beginning.

The name of the main character is Z. The letter Z is at the end of the alphabet, and what some may say is probably the most "insignificant" letter of the alphabet, as opposed to the letter A.
Z was named Z because he IS insignificant. Or at least he thinks he is. And he
tries the whole movie to be something better than he is at the moment (i.e. trying to score with the princess, trying to find something better out of life than digging all day). You get the idea. So, I think, instead of just calling the movie ANTS, they did (if my theory is correct) not only a clever play on words but a metaphorical play on words.

Another idea that drives my theory home is the fact that the movie is about ants. A movie with the same messages and morals could’ve been made, except it might’ve been a love story or a war movie. I mean, I can sum up the plot of this movie in one sentence. PLOT: A truly insignificant guy thinks that there is something more to life than (Fill in the Blank).
That is essentially the plot of this movie in a nutshell, and countless other movies.
This movie does that idea the best because it is about ants, the most insignificant creatures on the face of the earth (at least in our opinion).
So, if you’re making a movie about an insignificant person, what better to make that person an ant?
I don’t know if these are extreme coincidences, or pre-conceived. Or maybe I just have too much free time on my hands to be contemplating this. Or maybe I’m just really dumb and everyone knew these facts already. Or maybe I’m just reading too deep into the situation. You be the judge.

I hope I made sense.


Good points, but I think you could make an equal argument that because he felt insignificant he wanted something to change in his life. Notice the way he bemoans the dance and says something like, such and such day - just like every week - etc ... he's full of nervous energy otherwise known as being 'antsy.'
