MovieChat Forums > Antz (1998) Discussion > Overthrow the military-communist opressi...

Overthrow the military-communist opression!

This movie is brilliant. It is brilliant for several reasons, but the best is it's slightly subtle, but over-arching Anti-Militant/Communist message. It's really incredible. I'm a political science major in College and loved this flick as a kid, but looking at it with the knowledge I have now makes it so much more amazing.

For those of you familiar with communist ideals, the basic gist of it is that the STATE decides where individual works and what he does, thus social "equality" is acheived. Individualism is forbidden. Comminusm wishes to elliminate social classes by eliminating social competition and indivualism. In this film, as the baby ants are born, they are immediately put into two groups without choice, soldier or worker. In addition to these two groups there is an oppresive ruling elite of military leaders who oversee and decide the fate of the colony, or state. The workers do what they are told and the soldiers do what they are told and no one deviates. Each group cannot leave and join another group or do what they want.

Z embodies the distinctly American ideals of indivualism and self-acheivment. Z dislikes his "place" and refuses to bow to "an oppressive system". Thus, Z is a criminal and must be subdued.

Through a series of events, the Military leaders decide to make the state of the colony a military-communist state by eliminating the workers (this is kinda deviant from the general communist ideals, but still works for the film)and relying on military. Z escapes the colony and leads an revolution of individualsm. To make a long story short, Z overcomes the oppressive communist regime by apealing to the freedom-desiring nature every ant (or human) soul longs for.

Z marries "out of his class" by marrying Bala, the oppresive military leaders are defeated, and the society is flipped up-side down. We don't know the outcome of the colony, but my guess is it developes into a democratic state relying on the fundamentals of industrial capitalism, much like Japan after WW2.

This is a great movie and perhaps I've dug too deep, but this over-arching message makes this much more than just a comical, kiddy, animated movie.

"Get busy living, or get busy dying"
-The Shawshank Redemption


Yeah, it's true when you think about it, the hidden anticommunist political messages of the movie. I also see hints of both commentary on traditional European classism (who lived under the feudal system for centuries, after all, and Russia for 600 years after everybody else) as well as criticism of militarist dictatorships, like you said. I might be stretching things a little myself, but General Mandible = Stalin in a sense. Stalin wasn't exactly a by-the-book communist either, as evidenced by the work camps of the 1930s, which--now here's the eerie parallel--systematically killed off workers because the government was too ineffectively run to be able to manage the problems of population vs. food supply. Somebody feel free to correct my historically if I'm going astray, it's been a couple of years since my last European History class.


> hidden anticommunist political messages of the movie.

You mean subliminal brain-washing? I thought so.



You have been reading too much Ayn Rand (and She didn't have any impact on the world ... at least not this side of the ocean, thank the good lord for that). You? a political science major? I thought it was manditory for students to read once and a while. The Communist Manifesto isn't really that large, so why don't you pick it up and start reading. Its hard to believe someone who talks about the American virtues when there are 40 million persons (individuals, if you will) below the poverty line in the united states ... in percentile that means slightly more than China (i got this from the CIA site so don't bother with discussing the numbers). Are you suggesting that Ants can develop industry? oh dear ... if you want to combat the communists states that existed, fine by me, but for god's sake, for a political science major, you at least must see that ideoligies are frequently abused, and again for the sake of god, ask some damn questions for yourself, was it really that evil? what did happen? how did the state operate? what was there relation with the working class? how did it get there? . Communism= a STATELESS society, where the means of production are owned collectivly ... guess you haven't read much about politics in your life. Maybe you can see some deeper meaning in Dumb and Dumber (aha, there you have two heroes of Ayn Randian individuals). I wish i were a student in America, everything seems so easy there. Oh the irony that you say "for those familiar with communist ideals" ...


Oh for God's sake are you still pedalling your'e commie *beep*
Yes communism was evil! Murdering millions, sending women and children to work as slaves on the collectives. Quashing personal freedoms and attempting to change the world into it's own poltical ideology by force (USSR) is evil.

Statless or classless society is garbabe. The only equality is that everyone was poor. Except for the ruling members of the communist party who were allowed access to consumer items denied to the public.

Mathieudester if your'e such a fan of communism why not emigrate to Nth Korea and enjoy "the workers paradise" LOL


North Korea has rejected Marxist-Leninism and taken on Juche, which has marxist elements in it (but so has the New Deal). Seems you can only talk about what you have heard. Fine, go defend the anti-semite (i hope you know who i am talking about). Someone who lives in a nation with 12.5 % under the poverty line, shouldn't preach about the virtues of capitalism ... it will bite you back. Could you give me any creditworthy references where you got your information from?


SO Nth Korea doesn't fit your bill of communism eh? Guess no where does. You would have to travel to fantasyland for your defnition of communism. You need to get in the real world.

I live in a nation (Australia) that has 12.5% below the poverty line. You sure about that? By any means that fact would hardly bite me back simply because those who live "below the poverty line" in capitalist countries would still live better than the average Josef in a communist country.


Lol, Australia, the CIA hasn't got any numbers on poverty, i wonder why. Actualy, yes, the people that live in capitalist nations under the poverty line do not have it as good as the people in the Soviet Union. I already given you my e mail, why not reply? and honest conversation would help us both, and these people won't have to listen to all this BS.



1) I HAVE read the Communist Manifesto; it's on the bookshelf behind me actually, right next to the Federalist Papers (which YOU should read sometime). The Communist Manifesto is ridiculous.

2) I think it is funny that you use China as an example of a Communist State. Maybe if YOU READ once in a while, you would understand that China is (unlike Marx's predictions) undergoing serious socio-economic changes these days and is progressively becoming more and more capitalist. In a few years, I would not be surprised to see China forsake its communist ideologies and embrace capitalism (because it is working quite well).

3) Was Communist really that bad, you ask? YES. One of my professors grew up in the Soviet Union, the last two summers I worked with a Bulgarian guy, and I was good friends with a Ukrainian family when I was in Junior High and High school. All of these people have informed me how in the Soviet Union was a terrible place to live, and for some strange reason, they all decided to live in the USA...weird, huh?

4) I think it’s funny that you seem to think that in a Communist state the means of production are owned collectively. In a communist (aka totalitarian) state, the means of production are OWNED by the STATE and the people are told what to make, how much to make, and what they get. A Communist state is one in which the STATE = SOCIETY. Perhaps you should read up on what a totalitarian state is.

5) “Fine, go defend the anti-semite (i hope you know who i am talking about).” Are you calling me an Anti-Semite?

Now, on to Karl Marx...Your beloved Karl Marx was a hypocrite and, frankly, he was wrong on ALL of this would be a fool to follow his teachings.

First, Karl claimed to be a champion of the poor, yet he came from a wealthy background, lazily lived off of his inheritance, and treated his maid (perhaps the only worker with whom Karl had direct contact) like crap. He abused her sexually and financially.

Additionally, Karl used outdated statistics to argue to case for worker oppression, pulling information from decades old sources. Karl also refused to actually put himself in the workers position. When he visited factories for "research", he never actually spent any time with the workers, just the factory owners. He distanced himself from his beloved "proletariat."

Most of all, Karl's predictions WERE ALL WRONG. This is my favorite point and I love to make it OVER and OVER again. Karl predicted that over time, the condition of workers would get worse and worse and eventually the working class RISE up and lead a violent revolution against the bourgeoisie. Last time I checked, the poor are better off under capitalism and, as far as I know, no War or Revolution has been started by the poor against the bourgeoisie. After all, the United States has the wealthiest "lower-class" in the world.

One who follows Karl's teachings is misguided and would be equivalent to one who follows the teachings of "earth-centered" universe theorists and other individuals who's teaching have been proven wrong by history.

"Get busy living, or get busy dying"
-The Shawshank Redemption


and 16 % of the Iraqis living in the Benelux voted for the communists, what is your point? By the way, in Ukraine Communist party 20%, Bulgaria ex-communists 31.1% (a coalition, left wing) Russian Federation 13.3 % (lots of votes went to the Rodina party, check the website, isn't quite, how should i put it, capitalist), Do you think it is that hard to figure it out? Isolationist.
Check out the People's Daily official newspaper of the Communist Party, guess which nation has a union in Wall Mart, hehehe. Marx made predictions, true, true, so did Adam Smith, and John Locke, neither of these predictions came through, he also stated repeated that he wasn't a fortune teller, all his "predictions" are quite vague. strange, i thought he mostly talked about class warfare in history (ever heard of historical materialism?) he even admitted quite frankly that the fall of the Roman Empire had very little to do with class warfare (my prof. of Greek and Roman history said that), oooh, i see what you mean by "out dated sources", lol, maybe he used 19th century figures, oh dear lord, that child eating bastard. Are we pulling in the personal life of Marx? fine, it would have been smarter to said a little bit about the Judenfrage, lol, but anyway, seems the opinions of intellectuals differ very much, some said he was a begger and lived of Engels his money gifts, the other like you say, said he was a wealthy bastard, who lived on the money of his wife Jenny (who was aristorcrat, but was fairly kicked out by her father), maybe he ate those two deadborn babies, no? or that was because he could afford 9 doctors, yes, that is probably it. Anyway, if Marx was a poor bugger, he wouldn't have been able to read now would he? For who do you think he wrote in the Neue Reihnische Zeitung? Workers who couldn't read? of course not, for Liberals, left wing liberals, not the right wing liberals as in Europe. i wonder if you wet yourself if you realize U.S. stands for united STATES. I think i know your problem, you search for "Marxists economists" you should search for "Marxian Economists". so those 40 million americans under the poverty line are swinging with joy and feasting in the streets of New York, right, think for yourself, why do you think the pauperization (or whatever its called in English) never truly came (it did came, just look at the figures of the 19th century, if they would have continued at the same pace, it would have caused serious problems), ever heard of something called the Labour movement? Unions? Socialists? no? Das Kapital (or The Capital) is and still is an accurate description of the basics of capitalism, even capitalists themself find it a very useful book. It doesn't predict the future, i think you are confusing Marx with Ayn Rand, lol.

A few things that strengthen my belief that you are not who you claim to be:

1) appears Engels never existed (check the authors of the Communist Manifesto)
2) no word about the Social Democratic movement which is very succesfull, but very low in marxist ideology, but still, finds its base and beginning in the ideology of scientific socialism (Bernstein is a git)
3) It seems Marx was a modern Nostradamus and wrote nothing else but silly predictions
4) You ... zealously tried to tie strings to a movie about silly little ANTZ,
5) Total disregard of the rest of the world.
6) Attacks on Marx his personal life.


Your first big mass of text, which I guess you might call an "argument", is convoluted and unorganized. Perhaps you should take an English class and learn how to formulate an effective argument, organize your points, and deliver a grammatically sound message. But oh well.

On the subject of Karl Marx, one absolutely has the right to attack his personal character. Any effective leader of a new movement must exemplify and represent the ideals which he or she stands for. Karl was the exact opposite of the "proletariat" and the fact that his life alone contradicts his Communist message undermines his arguments. Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr, and Mother Teresa are fine examples of leaders who not only preached their message but ALSO lived it. To use a cliché, Karl "talked the talk, but didn't walk the walk." Why follow a leader who doesn't live his message?

You love to bring up the point of American poverty but you fail to understand that that American poor, by comparison, are the wealthiest "lower-class" in the world. In America, Great Britain, Japan, and other capitalist nations, society as a whole enjoys the benefits of a strong economy, unlike the former Soviet Union and modern North Korea where everyone was/is poor (except for those who were/are in charge).

Now, on to your final six points...

1) Of course I know who Friedrich Engels is. However, Karl is seen world-wide as the founder of Communism, NOT Engels. That is why I choose to focus of Marx rather than his counterpart. There is a reason it's called "Marxism" and not "Engelsims".

2) The Social Democratic movement is not the same as Communism. Modern European
Socialism still allows for a somewhat free market, free trade, and private property. Communism forbids the free market, free trade, and private property.

3) Although Karl was no "prophet", he absolutely can be held accountable for his predictions of class warfare and the "rise of the proletariat". His predictions have been PROVEN FLASE by HISTORY. Any social, political, or economic historian understands and accepts the fact that Karl was completely wrong. His false predictions, like his life, undermine his argument. Because Karl's predictions are indeed dead wrong, I find it much harder to embrace his ideology of Communism.

4) Of course I zealously "tied strings" to the movie Antz, this is, after all, THE INTERNET MOVIE DATABASE and a forum for movie discussion. I enjoy the movie Antz because it is an entertaining movie yet digs deeper than the average kid flick by portraying the triumph of the individual over an oppressive regime. I am also an artist and I love and appreciate the animation of the film

5) You seem to think I have totally disregarded the rest of the world, however, it is you who have disregarded the rest of the world. You have conveniently failed to respond to my point about China evolving from a Communist state into a modern Capitalist one, and the economic growth and luxuries associated with that evolution. You also seem to ignore the point that people immigrate to the United States, NOT NORTH KOREA or other Communist states. You also conveniently disregard history by ignoring the fact that people in the Soviet Union desperately tried to leave and come to the USA or other free nations. My Bulgarian and Ukrainian friends are perfect examples of people who fled the Soviet Union. Why? Because it sucked living in a Communist nation.

6) See the second paragraph.

Quit desperately trying to cling to a failed socio-political ideology and accept the fact that people are better off and happier under a free-market, capitalist democracy.

By the way, you never answered my question about why you called me an Ant-Semite. Conveniently leaving that one out too, eh?

Where are you from anyway? France? You sound like a Frenchman.

"Get busy living, or get busy dying"
-The Shawshank Redemption


I believe he's from the UK, actually, altho feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, MD.

Sock it unto others, as you would have them sock it to you


Actually there is something called Utopian Communism, you might have heard of a person called Rousseau or the political organisation of the Fabians (you know, H.G. Wells etc.)?, Marx is not the "founder" of communism, but he did put it in a scientific motion (that is why we have something called Social history, etc. even my Medieval professor cannot get out of the fact there is something like Classes, something, Marx did instigate and put into mainstream sociological education). Social Democracy has nothing to do with communism? strange, perhaps you want to know, Lenin was in the Social Democratic party, and also Marx, the first international was totally made out of Social Democratic Persons, if you want to talk in a historical context, god, do it, same goes for these Social Democratic parties, although they follow the Bernstein way now, the basics still are class, production methods, the redistribution of capital, also depends on what country you are speaking, no? look outside the US for a change.
You seem to neglect what i have written about those elections (by the way, the JCP has 4 million voters, twat). Please, do learn some history. (might i add, those figures of American Poverty ... those are calculated by the UN, which is constant for all nations.). Do i have to repeat the fact that 13.3% of the Russians vote communist? 20 % of the Ukrainian Parliament are seated by Communists, and dear god, might i add 60% of all russians think Iosef Stalin made a positive impact on History, cut the BS and talk to some russians who aren't too chickensh*t to leave their country (, hehehe).
No, i didn't call you an anti-semite, i'm talking about someone, with no doubt, you have his book.

7) personal attacks on me.
8) keep repeating the same thing over and over, like you didn't fully read my "arguments", by god, read it and let it sink in (seems you only read the points).

Not France nor UK, somewhere ... in the middle.


In the next guess is The Netherlands, then.

Sock it unto others, as you would have them sock it to you




A utopian society is an impossibility in a corrupt world like ours, and anyone who thinks a utopian society is attainable is only fooling himself. Human nature won't allow it.

In response to the people who vote Communist in the countries you mentioned, I would be willing to wager that a majority of those people are young voters who lack a historical perspective and who are, ultimately, misguided just like you.

If the anti-Semite you are referring to is Adolf Hitler, I actually have read "Mein Kampf", as should you and everyone else. I disagree with it in it's entirety, however, we must understand the evils of tyrannical despotism. I read Mein Kampf for the same reason I read The Communist order to know and understand evils in the world.

I'm not attacking you personally; I'm attacking your foolish and misguided ideologies and your argument structure.

I repeat certain points because they are worth repeating and you don't seem to soak them in. Think about it, it makes sense. People want to be in the USA, not North Korea.

I really don't feel like continuing this debate because, when it comes to certain people like you, words fall of deaf ears and, frankly, it's not worth my time.

Finally, I'm not afraid to let people know where I'm from. I love the USA and am proud to live here. You seem to be ashamed of your country and are afraid to let us know what it is. Why don't you display your European pride and tell us where you are from?

"Get busy living, or get busy dying"
-The Shawshank Redemption


I'm proud of the worker's movement to which i belong, i hold my left fist up and sing the Internationale with zeal and pride, no nation nor state binds me, but for the administration, hehehe, it's Belgium. The majority of those voters are older people (like in Germany, where they wouldn't have pulled down the wall if they knew how much it would cost them, that is capitalism for you, 25 % in East Germany,Auferstanden aus Ruinen Und der Zukunft zugewandt,LaĂź uns dir zum Guten dienen,Deutschland, einig Vaterland mwhoehahahaha).
). No, the anti-semite is not Adolf Hitler, are you comparing Mein Kampf with the communist manifesto? dear, i hope you read Mein Kampf well, maybe you should have gained some insight on where anti-communists gets their great minds.


Congratulations Avanzander you have completely deflated and debunked mathiedeuter's arguments ( if you can call his convoluted rantings an argument)

I, like you, realise that to reason with someone who clings to this warped ideology is akin to hitting your head against a brick wall. It's OK, we won the cold war. Communism is by and large dead. Let the poor fool have his commie fantasy - The loser seriously needs a life.


Karl Marx didn't predict. Maybe you should read the 'Thesis of Feuerbach' (three pages). He tried to give voice to processes so that they could gain direction, thereby turning into revolutionising practice, which is not limited to 'Communist' ideologies, but part of Capitalism itself.

Capitalism means a productive clash between individualism and collectivism, right down to the commodity form. It is because neither can be reached, and at the same time ideological pivotal points, that capitalism continue to prevail, maybe even as the material base wither. It then needs a strong State to ensure that the commodity form is respected and enforced. Intellectual copyrights, limiting access to cultural products, medicine and so on.

I also suggest reading Capital and Grundrisse as the unfolding of the Capitalist collective mind. It is unfolding of the logical consequences of societies where its members percieve existence according to the labor theory of value. The labor theory of value is not 'true' in any primitive positive sense, but Capital is the logical consequence of societes where it's members acts as if it was true. Marx' Critique of the political economy is not a theory of the truth, but a unveiling of what passes as the truth in Capitalist societies. It is theory of a specific truth within a specific historical period. All this is late Marx of course, and earlier works is more focused on Historical Materialism, which is prevalent in the Manifesto. Historical Materialism has flaws of course, certainly when it comes to said determinism within the theory. But Marx did not predict, he wanted history to be more of an instance of work, i.e. planned effort to reach a already imagined goal, the classless society which allows for the individualism promised within modernity, a promise that Capitalism could not and can not redeem.

There are many ways to read Marx An attack on 'Marxism' and 'Communism' is in order from the very same reason an attack on Capitalism and 'Liberalism'. Marx later writings can be read as an effort to liberate Liberalism from its inferior realisation as it appeared and appears in Capitalism.


mandatory - manditory


Necro-posting to correct a spelling error from 17 years ago?
I lol'd


This film isn't singling out just communism.

It's a strong warning against fascism, the corporate state where industrials and the military work together to keep the poor becoming poorer and the few rich get richer and richer (tax cuts!).

Anyone too poor to pay for a decent education can always get a job as a soldier, fighting wars for oil and opium (Iraq and Afghanistan).

Also, the idea of killing off most of your people is one of the main motivations for the New World Order. The NWO was first officially mentioned in a speech by daddy Bush. They see most of the people as 'useless eaters' who will either have to become a soldier to fight the elitists' wars or die from famine or a sudden pandemic. NWO thinks the Earth's populations should be reduced by 80 percent, after which the elite can rule like medieval kings and queens again while the surviving people are demoted to serfs without rights.

Think you can trust your cat? Think Again!


Agreed. Antz was not just a fun "kids' film" but also had many deeper, introspective messages within about indvidualism and anti-totalitarianism. Dreamworks back when they were still good.

Also, kudos to Avanzander for destroying mathieudesteur's arguments. I'm from China and my parents lived under the Cultural Revolution. If mathieudesteur thinks that Marxism and communism are so great and stubbornly believes that China's standard of living is BETTER than that of the U.S., perhaps he should leave the comfort of Belgium and try living in the rural areas of China (or even some of the major cities) to experience the "socialist utopia" first-hand. And China is actually one of the better and more successful communist countries today (as opposed to Cuba or North Korea).

As for the "anti-Semite," I believe he was referring to FDR (since he sarcastically mentioned the New Deal right before it):

North Korea has rejected Marxist-Leninism and taken on Juche, which has marxist elements in it (but so has the New Deal). Seems you can only talk about what you have heard. Fine, go defend the anti-semite (i hope you know who i am talking about).


In communism, you have no ownership, so you have no rights.

In capitalism, capital is more important than anything else, including life, including you.

Now, take your pick and get to the grind!
