MovieChat Forums > Antz (1998) Discussion > Too bad modern CGI movies wouldn't dare ...

Too bad modern CGI movies wouldn't dare to be like Antz

Seriously, this is something. These new lame CGI movies are too afraid to say "gee-wilikers" and here is this movie saying "bitchin'" and "ecstacy". Not that any movie's substance is based off of it's violence and language, but CGI movies base their "edgyness" off poop jokes, so I think that demeners any type of movie. Why aren't CGI movies like this anymore?


Because of Shrek, no matter if you liked it or hated it.


No idea

Antz is still one of my favorite CGI movies. It's one of the few CGI movies that also has a bit of drama in it.


In terms of Hollywood mainstream CGI movies, Antz is indeed my favourite, then probably The Incredibles.

I prefer CGI films like Appleseed, Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within and Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children mind you. But that's a bit of a different "thing" as far as I'm concerned...



Part of the reason that CGI movies aren't as good as they were around a decade ago is because they're too afraid to do anything risky, so they end up all fluff that isn't even funny. Then there's movies like Shrek that are too risky with too much adult humor and end up awkward. The best ones have a happy medium, like Antz and Toy Story. That's only partly why the CGI quality has gone down though, it's hard to say what the main reason is, but it's obvious that they aren't of the high degree they used to be



It's the same with other types of films. Very rarely do you get a mainstream cartoon release with a dark/meaningful story. Occasionally a film breaks the mold though...The Secret of NIMH is the one that comes to mind.


Not sure if it counts, but A Scanner Darkly was dark. That said, it's not a movie for kids but it is a cartoon none the less.


Not Beowulf, that's for sure.


Doing CGI films for little children is what brings the money in. Simple.


Well, "meet the spartans" was the US most watched movie last weekend.
Masses don't want real movies, movies that surprise in any way, they wan't to predict the plot, get the same *beep* jokes after another. It must be some sort of sickly overgrown need for safety, dunno.

[insert signature(s)]


If you like that, I suggest you see Free Jimmy. Probably the most over-the-top CGI film I've ever seen. Pixar tend to do want a somewhat older target group with more mature themes and so on, whereas it's with Dreamworks and Sony animation studios that you get the kiddies' immatures $hit.


Prince of Egypt, from Dreamworks, had some pretty dark themes. Though as a Bible story this was easier to get away with.

My brother was eaten by wolves on the NJ Turnpike


Prince of Egypt wasn't CGI though if I'm not completely mistaken. Nonetheless, generally Pixar presents the most mature movies of the three, with a lot more subtle humour. There are exceptions but that's my experience with CGI films from the three big studios.


Too bad modern CGI movies wouldn't dare to be like Antz?

What. Boring?
