MovieChat Forums > Antz (1998) Discussion > Something most of you may not know......

Something most of you may not know......

Many here keep referring to the Ant V.S. Termite battle scene as a nod to the one in Starship Troopers, However that paticular scene had already been completed before ST came out. If anything the battle scene in ST is a nod to Antz.

I found this out in the commentary....


I think they were kidding.

Starship Troopers: 1997
Antz: 1998


It tekes much longer to do a cgi film
Ok wrong book


Why would anyone parody that junk?

"I don't believe in cinema. I only believe in the audience" - Krzysztof Kieslowski


How could Starship Troopers Nod to Antz when it was released after it...?

What's all this shouting? We'll have no trouble here
