MovieChat Forums > Antz (1998) Discussion > what the crap does weaver say

what the crap does weaver say

At the end of the movie when that chick ant says " you know you still owe me dinner" weaver says something that is utterly hilarious and almost inaudible. Is it
A) Baby Doll
or B) Maybe Not

I don't know...give your input.



I think he says "Yeah babe" or something close to that.


I'm 100% positive that he says "Babylove."

If you love God and are 100% proud, copy and paste this into your signature.


Your kidding right? Baby doll.


No, I'm not kidding, and there's no need to be snide. I swear he says "babylove."

If you love God and are 100% proud, copy and paste this into your signature.


yewp it was babylove...saw it in the subtitles...

"BITE ME..."



If you love Jesus Christ and are 100% proud of it copy this and make your signature!


The subtitles don't mean squat. Some of them are written by people who sit and listen to them, not by the film's creators. A perfect example would be Futurama DVDs. They don't transcribe word for word, but instead give you the "gist" of what the characters said. In one scene, Monique says "Calculon!" in an exaggerated manner, and the subtitles say "Gunculon!"


It's obvious to anyone with ears that he says Babylove...honestly, listen to it a few times over or something, he does!




I'm pretty cirtain he said Baby Doll.


I coulda SWORN he said "Baby Doll." I dont have the DVD, just the VHS, so I dont know.

I have El Sonoma del Torra de Fiero Syndrome. Be happy you don't. Trust me.


I frankly believe he commented to her: "Baby Love", and then he chuckled subsequently and then went on by praising Z by saying "You're the man/ant". I thought Weaver was hilarious, frankly, due to the fact that Sylvester Stallone's voice was used for him (and then regarding how big and muscular he was perceived, worked a charm).

The signature is truly mightier than the name!
