MovieChat Forums > Antz (1998) Discussion > The bastard child of the Dreamworks/PDI ...

The bastard child of the Dreamworks/PDI films?

It seems all the latest releases of Dreamworks animated films disclude Antz...they now include a music jukebox with all the various movies...except this one, which had more then one (guantanamera & almost like being in love).

What gives? Does Dreamworks want this one forgotten?

Dark Knight: 8/10
Inside: 8/10
Prom Night(08):1/10
Ils: 7/10


I don't understand the context of this question - are you talking about music releases, as in CD soundtracks or something else? I have the score to this film, it's absolutely brilliant, and it has the Guantanamera song included.


No...I'm talking about the DVDs! They each have a "music jukebox" special feature...featuring the various movies & their "musical numbers" (Ex. Bee Movie's Here Comes the Sun sequence, Shrek 2's "Livin' La Vida Loca" finale, etc)...Antz is NOT included...and is hardly ever mentioned or recommended by Dreamworks Animation.

Midnight Meat Train:8/10
Christmas Evil:6/10
Dark Knight: 8/10
Inside: 8/10


Ah yes I DO know what you're talking about, there is one of those things on the Kung fu Panda DVD I bought recently. Yeah, I don't know if there is a deliberate attempt to distance themselves from ANTZ but I don't understand why, I place ANTZ way above many of those films that feature on that jukebox thing. Good call jorgito!


That's weird...I feel the same way with "Shark Tale": everytime there's a new Dreamworks movie it's always "From the creators of Madagascar and Shrek" not to mention they cast three actors from Shark Tale into another CGI movie which just seems a little suspicious if you ask me.

I call movies that are considered 'bad' hated movies.


But Antz is a much better movie than Shark Tale.


I guess in the same way they want their traditionally animated films (The Prince of Egypt, The Road to El Dorado, etc.) forgotten. They want this "hook" to them. Dreamworks has created a diverse array of films. With films like Antz and The Prince of Egypt side by side with Madagascar and Shrek, it'd be harder for audiences to identify who they are.

Nathaniel: Sire, do yourself?
Edward: What's not to like?


DreamWorks Animation doesn't bring up Antz much anymore for two reasons: 1) the film is more adult and darker than the studio has been since about 2005, and 2) the film wasn't a huge success. As much as I like Antz, its protagonist isn't as likable as other DWA characters such as Po and Shrek.


What do you mean? A neurotic, timid, woody allen-ish nerd not being likable?

Po is kind of 'generic' character, it has no real.. well, character, besides being obsessed with Kung-Fu (the superficial pop culture worship of the movie's world).

I never thought of Shrek as likable - it's ugly, full of poop jokes and other low-brow humor, has nasty personality and scares people for fun (what a bully!).

Its motivations are understandable, but 'likable'? I thought Donkey was way more 'likable', at least Donkey is trying to come up with new metaphors instead of clinging to the most tired, old clichés, like Shrek.

Mike Myers can be really funny and skilled in his acting profession, but he's not always all that relatable or 'likable'.

Antz has an interesting 'social power and control structure'-type plot, which is kind of unusual for a kids' movie. It deals with things like 'genocide' and 'revolution', and what the 'social order' should or should not be like. It even has an incredibly racistic villain, that not only hates a group of 'people' because of their physical attributes, but plans and tries to remove them from existence!

I think that is one of the reasons, and the other one is that their modeling and rendering - as good as it was for the time - doesn't compare favourably to the more modern movies (although I still find it charming).

Antz gave us hope as to how good and interesting computer graphics-based movies can and probably will be in the future - when the technology advances, we would get even better stories and more and more realistic humans, and since you can do 'anything' in animation, we should see some really cool and interesting stories featuring spaceships, portals, teleportations, other galaxies and planets, new and refreshing social structures never seen on Earth (since Atlantis), and all kinds of really 'out-of-this-world' stuff.

Then we got 'Toy Story', 'Shrek' and .. yeah. The reality started to sink in. They love money, not stories.


The realization that they didn't want to expand the possibilities to their utmost maximum limit, visually, story-wise and imagination-wise.

They NEVER advanced from 'bugs' to 'realistic humans' the way I stupidly thought they would, to give us the most imaginative, colorful, beautiful, wonderful adventures and explorations through planets, galaxies, nebulae, dimensions, timelines and the most elevating and creative experiences I was able to imagine.

I mean, sure, there was the odd 'Tintin' (I want to puke just thinking about it), the Final Fantasy (which was WAY too boring for the nicely rendered graphics and setting - what the heck were they thinking manufacturing BOREDOM instead of EXCITEMENT?).. but basically, the quality of the graphics peaked, and then started going downwards, because shortcuts are profitable, and the audience won't see or understand the difference anyway.

Whereas in Toy Story, they still bothered to model and render lips properly, now lips are almost absent from these movies - just compare that particular detail, and you can see they model things WAY quicker and dirtier now, just so they waste less money and CPU/GPU power to get the movie out quicker and need fewer computers to do the work.

Instead of going towards MORE detail and realism, they are going towards 'weird proportions' and 'exaggerated characters' to hide how few polygons they are using to render these things. Less work and much cheaper to make.

This world always disappoints, and the promise of Antz was no exception. Intricate plot with adult-relatable situations? Replaced by simple and linear, non-interesting, cliché crap and poop jokes.

Delicately modelled and painstakingly designed characters and beautifully created textures? Replaced by generic, re-used stuff - who's going to notice anyway? Detailed lips and other intricate models? Replaced by as low poly-count as they can get away with for faster and cheaper rendering.

I could go on, but I think I made my point.
