The realization that they didn't want to expand the possibilities to their utmost maximum limit, visually, story-wise and imagination-wise.
They NEVER advanced from 'bugs' to 'realistic humans' the way I stupidly thought they would, to give us the most imaginative, colorful, beautiful, wonderful adventures and explorations through planets, galaxies, nebulae, dimensions, timelines and the most elevating and creative experiences I was able to imagine.
I mean, sure, there was the odd 'Tintin' (I want to puke just thinking about it), the Final Fantasy (which was WAY too boring for the nicely rendered graphics and setting - what the heck were they thinking manufacturing BOREDOM instead of EXCITEMENT?).. but basically, the quality of the graphics peaked, and then started going downwards, because shortcuts are profitable, and the audience won't see or understand the difference anyway.
Whereas in Toy Story, they still bothered to model and render lips properly, now lips are almost absent from these movies - just compare that particular detail, and you can see they model things WAY quicker and dirtier now, just so they waste less money and CPU/GPU power to get the movie out quicker and need fewer computers to do the work.
Instead of going towards MORE detail and realism, they are going towards 'weird proportions' and 'exaggerated characters' to hide how few polygons they are using to render these things. Less work and much cheaper to make.
This world always disappoints, and the promise of Antz was no exception. Intricate plot with adult-relatable situations? Replaced by simple and linear, non-interesting, cliché crap and poop jokes.
Delicately modelled and painstakingly designed characters and beautifully created textures? Replaced by generic, re-used stuff - who's going to notice anyway? Detailed lips and other intricate models? Replaced by as low poly-count as they can get away with for faster and cheaper rendering.
I could go on, but I think I made my point.