Who is in charge of research over at dreamworks. Since when were termites humongous acid spitting worms? And even if that was the case ants are still a monstrous force to be reckoned with. They have no problems decimating a termite hill in real life. I know its a cartoon and all but why the drastic inaccuracies?
-If the devil really does interfere in this world we've seen his work
I have noticed the inaccuracies as well. Not to mention that there are no such thing as male soldiers. Males don't do anything as adults than mating, and then dies. There are no suhch thing as ant children, there are only two forms (besides eggs and pupae); larvae and adults. It would actually have made a lot more sense to make a movie about termites, who have nymphs instead of larvae, and soldiers and workers of both genders. Neither do ants have wings, except during the mating. When a queen has been fertilized, she finds a new spot to start a new colony, and then loses her wings.
Some people say; but the ants are talking, isn't that an inaccuracy as well? No, it's not, because without it, there would be no story. Being accurate simply means to stay loyal to reality except from the elements that is required to bring the story into existence.
Bee Movie is even worse when it comes to these parts. Seinfeld may be a comedian, but he is certainly not a biologist.
Still, Antz was still a hell of a lot better than A Bug's Life.
Ummm... maybe you should google 'soldier termites', they are some aggressive little things, and yes, some species of them do shoot acid as a defense mechanism.
I don't know if you were being sarcastic or not....
The point is that the film did exagerate the Termite relationship with Ants, in real life I heard it was the ants that have the advantage of acid over termites, and althoug termites are usually bigger the ants ALWAYS have the advantage in numbers, so the film is inaccurate in that sense. But I don't really care, it's not real, it's not supposed to be real.