If you are studying or or interested in studying Nietzche and Existentalism definatley pick up this movie. The representation of Z and the capn (forgot his name) as both possibly being the extrordinary man, is such an interesting concept. The whole movie intersects with Nietzche. Definatley take a closer look next time you watch it.
yea, I am shocked this is even a kids movie. I wouldn't show this to my kids. Not to mention the sexual innuendos are not so polished and hidden like say in Shrek. This movie shouldn't be PG, definitely atleast PG-13.
"yea, I am shocked this is even a kids movie. I wouldn't show this to my kids. Not to mention the sexual innuendos are not so polished and hidden like say in Shrek. This movie shouldn't be PG, definitely atleast PG-13."
I agree with you. I disagree with people who say this is a not only a kids movie. Bug's life was a kids movie, Antz just was to intense for a kids movie, including swear words isn't exactly my idae for a kids movie.
I don't know about Shrek, I enjoyed it, but I don't know the age that I would show my kids it.
Why can't they just leave the swear words out? Hearing swear words in kids movies doesn't mean that it would appeal to adults.
well disney movies are meant to be family movies but this and "hunchback of notredame" need stronger ratings.If something is rated G doesnt mean it is just for kids.
I know man.But this it was probably odd for them to have a PG-13 disney movie at that time.but know there are those ratings.Look at Marvel and DC comics .the Dc comics cartoons are very violent and the producers wanted to market them at a 13+ audience but warner decided to market them at a 7-a4 audience.But i really dont think that they are really suitable for kids over 7 because thewy have blood,death (not too extreme but they showed some nasty corpses) sexual innuendos etc.It was clear they wanted to make these shows for adults and they managed to get away with alcohol references and use of guns.The marvel series are ok for kids but the DTVS are not and neither is the MTV spiderman series.this movie is in the same position as those shows.I mean look at Dick Tracy .that was very violent and it was PG.
.....Dick Tracy .that was very violent and it was PG.
i totally agree. i mean, they even used "dick" in the title, really horrorshow! anyway, my dear americans: who invented the f -word? was the english speaking, as far as i know. we austrians don`t use swear words connected with sexual interaction, we use the freudian/jungian anal/oral connections like "scheisse" or "arsch" or "trenzer" etc. keep up the moral crusade, but get out of my way, please!
Wow, that made me laugh. I expose my kids to the world outside. I don't shelter them. They need to know what it's like out there. They need to no the horrors of humanity. And as for the cursing, I guarantee they have already been exposed to it, whether it was some kid from school, you, your family, or just some random people on the street.
I would go as far as to say that I would encourage my kids to watch this movie. It has a really good meaning. I dont believe in the "lets not expose them to this stuff to early" moto. I used to love horror films when younger because as I used to say "it is a safe fear". Also the meaning wont matter much to kids, it will just slighly make them aware of there issues. With swearing I would'nt say I heared anything bad at all. I partically dont have a problem with swearing unless it's infront of someone who may find it offensive.
Well I can see what you're all talking about and I agree, when I watched this film recently I noticed that the theme was unusually adult, but when I was a kid I didn't notice the swearing, politics or innuendo. I thought it was just a film about bugs having fun adventures, and most kids probably think the same.
Nah, just kidding. yeah, i guess the concept of someone like Hitler would just go over their heads. Heck, kids are into actions not complex ideas like individuality and general world peace.(They probably assume that already exists)
I'm quite young, I saw that movie first when I was 9. And out of experience; being a kid back then, I know this movie is surely a kids movie. I found it funny, I never noticed anything else.
Just like shrek, these movies are made for kids and adults. They 'hide' those things that adults find funny, and kids wont get it. Kids don't 'get' things until they are old enough to understand it. And when they are, then it's actually a good thing. About bad language... I remember I reacted on that in movies as a kid, like ''I don't hope mom heard that...She don't like that word'' I didn't start cursing to my mother after watching a movie with bad language, that would make her mad. Parents, not television, raise they kids.
And, if a kid reacts on the language, like a word, that means they allready know the word, they know it's a bad word. So they've heard it before, from some kid in class maybe. It's not possible to have control on anything.
Every time my fingers touch brain I'm SUPERFLY TNT,I'm the GUNS OF THE NAVARONE
I was surprised at the language. I don't know about anybody else's children, but my three year old quotes movies all the time. So, she WOULD repeat the words. Kids are like sponges. I'm not going to expose her to that if I can avoid it.
I'm not familiar with Nietzche. But I agree it's a great film for kids and adults. Watched it with my husband, brother-in-law, sister-in-law and nephew today. :)
It's not "not just a kids movie." It's just plain not a kids movie. Aside from all the violence, swearing, and adult situations, the core plotline (and all the societal commentary) would likely go over young children's heads.
Note that when I say "kids" I am referring to kids about 8 and under. Above that age, they can begin to understand more complex subject materials.