Is it possible Derek's father wasn't actually racist, and Derek misunderstood him? If I remember correctly, I don't think he actually said anything anti-black. He's against affirmative action, and so am I. It's basically legalised discrimination. He's also against the black literature unit, which I don't really have a problem with, but that doesn't necessarily make him racist. Morgan Freeman is against black history month. Whether or not he was racist, I think he'd definitely be ashamed of Derek.
He definitely had a valid point when talking about black people getting a job when they're not qualified. But then when he started talking about Sweeney and Native Son, he went into racist territory.
Cut that out now. That attitude will lead you directly into racist territory and on the road to becoming a white supremacist. And that's the very reason liberals shun that hateful rhetoric. And you should too!
From what I remember, he quite literally said not to listen to Sweeney because everything he said was "n****r *beep* I'd say that definitely qualifies as racism.
It's the one fault with that scene for me. It would have left things much more open if he hadn't resorted to using racial slurs.
That being said I don't necessarily agree that something said in anger needs to indicate what you feel in your heart but for the purposes of the scene it did make him appear racist.
We have to show the world that not all of us are like him: Henning von Tresckow.
He was a racist. And you probably are too, if you believe that same crap. Let me give you a clue. No one. No one really knows they're racist.
Affirmative action? Bad? I didn't understand what affirmative action was about before but I had to take a Criminal Justice class. Once I finished, I understood exactly the need for Affirmative action.
1. Affirmative action is sanction used in cases when racial discrimination has long affected a certain job or institution. According to supreme court rulings, affirmative action cannot be used unless an institution or position has consistently engaged in racial discrimination in the past. The ideal is that affirmative is valid in order to allow minorities to catch up in the social order of America.
2. And second, studies say that young white women benefit more from affirmative action then blacks and other minorities. And that is only because many institutions still practice sexism so, it benefits women so that they can catch up as well.
And second, Morgan Freeman is voting for Hillary now, so...his head isn't right anyway.
Spoken like a true intolerant. Hitler was against free speech too.
Funny how you tried to assign Hitler to me. You know what Hitler said. And you don't like to talk about this. He basically told the German people to not be afraid of being hateful (exactly what Donald Trump is preaching now) and that there's nothing wrong with them wanting to take their country back (another theology of Donald). He ran his Nazi-party on the theme that he would return Germany to greatness after being humiliated by their enemies (like Trump preaches everyday).
I'll put up a qoute from Hitler's Mein Kampf:
"Today our left-wing politicians in particular are constantly insisting that their craven-hearted and obsequious foreign policy necessarily results from the disarmament of Germany, whereas the truth is that this is the policy of traitors [...] But the politicians of the Right deserve exactly the same reproach. It was through their miserable cowardice that those ruffians of Jews who came into power in 1918 were able to rob the nation of its arms."
Left wing politicians? Really? Sounds exactly like the condemnations of Trump and the Far-right today. Politicians on the Right? Being cowards? Exactly what Trump and his followers accuse establishment republicans of being. Cowardice on banning Immigrants, cowards by not going after Muslims, cowards for allowing crime to flourish by not being a totalitarian nation bent on locking up its citizens at every turn. Now, let us take out the last line "those ruffian jews" and put instead"those ruffian (thugs) blacks,democrats, and latinos". we go. Donald Trump sounds exactly like the new 2016, American version of Adolph Hitler. Wow. Same wording, just different marginalized groups.
I only have one last warning for you. Get out of that hateful ideology while you still can. Derek played around with, and started believing that crap from his father and it took him down such a road of hate, discord with family, and murder that he had to learn the hard way in prison before he changed. Dylan Roof did the same thing. I suggest you read his manifesto. He played with hateful, direct-like thinking, until it finally drove him to action and he slaughtered 9 innocent people. All because he indulged that spirit of Hitler, Derek's father, and Derek. The problem is that some people (like Derek's father) are really cowards. They can think and talk like a neo-nazi, but paste a smile on their face in public while inwardly seething. That's a coward. But some people, like Derek and Dylann, aren't cowards, and they get offended when they see the cowards saying one thing, but doing another.
You shall an example of this in the movie. Derek couldn't get along with the rednecks in prison because he was too honest. He didn't believe in all that "hiding your hate behind a mast" stupidity. So when he saw those Neo-nazi's not living up to the standard they preached, Derek told them off and they hated him ever since.
So in conclusion, I would be far more comfortable with an honest-racist like Derek than a closet racist like his dad. And that's only because at least with someone like Derek, I know where he stands. Opposed to someone like Dad who'd more like attack from behind.
You assume I'm white? Just goes to show what a small minded bigot you really are that you would assign a race to my opinion.
Really? You accuse me of bigotry when you were the Very first person to bring race up? I guess you think that Whites are the only ones who can be racist. No so. Blacks can even be racist to their own blacks. Indians can be racist to blacks as well. Point is, Everybody can show racism because it is a disease lying dormant in the hearts of every man which only God can remove. That's why you see people who seemed so nice before, suddenly explode into a racist.
An early account of racism exists in the bible when Moses married a cushite woman and Miriam got mad. And it was God who had to visit her transgression back on her head. And Miriam Wasn't white! So get off your horse before I start to believe you are a white Donald troll.
Lol Trump is not Hitler you goon, he has never said anything racial or anything about a god damn genocide. Also, try to understand that immigration is not a racial issue...
You're warning him? You're so racist You believe minorities are inferior and have to be coddled like Children. GTFO with that nonsense. The thought of equality and people being judged on their merits terrifies you because you don't think minorities can compete. I know that's not true so I don't need unfair laws and policies like AA. I'm so glad you people got your ass handed to you - first Brexit, then Trump - both impossible without non White support.
The father was bigoted for sure but did not display racism anywhere close to what Derek did, which was fueled by his father's murder at the hands of a black man.
Ok, but it has been Danny himself, the brother, to write that the racism started because of the father. Edward was even defending the black teacher during the discussion. Then he gave up because he didn't want to upset his father.
That has been only one episode, probably the first, but for sure there were others. Which is a way people get indoctrinated after all. And partially it's also the theme of the movie. The father getting killed just made Edward switching completely.
Then, sorry, but bigot is an understatement. The father to me was a racist. A non violent, somehow inoffensive racist, but racist nonetheless. Oh, and I'm a white European in case it matters, so not really biased toward afro-americans about this.
He was but not violent. The work complaints are a bit gray because he was specific about blacks with less qualifications being hired over whites with more so the quota can be met. I've heard that attitude a lot, but if they are equally qualified or the black candidate is more there is usually no problem. That attitude is common among emergency personnel and law enforcement. Yes, it is somewhat racist but not entirely and it is double edged. They protest if a lesser qualified black man is hired when a white man is more, but they also do not want a white man hired instead of a black man who is a better fit.
Not wanting his son to be influenced by a black teacher assigning black literature is not gray, it's straight-up racist. But at the same time, he would never have approved of his son becoming a Neo-Nazi or doing anything to hurt someone regardless of race.