MovieChat Forums > American History X (1998) Discussion > They made some good points about blacks/...

They made some good points about blacks/latinos

Despite all of its "hate", there were some valid points.


And those "valid" points are?


Blacks were freed 150 years ago, when are they going to get their act together.
Latinos come in and undercut citizens, take their jobs and cost millions in public funds despite not paying income tax.


Day took our jooobs!

Derk derr derrpp!



That's what you sound like.



Blacks were freed 150 years ago, when are they going to get their act together.

They were freed 150 years ago and given the same education, opportunities, and rights as white Americans? I didn't know that.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.


They were freed 150 years ago and given the same education, opportunities, and rights as white Americans? I didn't know that.

Yes, they were. Now you know. Apparently you haven't taken advantage of that same educational system.

dies ist meine unterschrift


Yes, they were.
Incorrect. Now you know.

That rug really tied the room together.


I'm sorry, did you get your history education from Dollar General?

dies ist meine unterschrift


That who in their right minds want their neighborhoods over run with such gangsterish vermin


That is true. But what about the Blacks, Latinos, and Asians that have been in this country for generations and have basically gone through the process of "Whitewashing" in order to remain in this country. All three sets of my family(mother's, biological father, and stepfather)basically had to give up at least half of the Mexican culture through "Whitewashing" when they came to the U.S. from Mexico(Sonora, Sinaloa, and Coahuila)legally during certain times during the 20th century for a better life. Unfortunately, too many Whites here in the U.S. can't get that through their thick skulls when it comes to minorities the majority of the time.


My point is the tipping point for most of those skins was when the black gangs started taking over their streets. The Mexicans and Asians by themselves didn't bother them too much, especially the ones who actually kept the place running. It is a tad naive of the police and principal not to imagine the whites wouldn't band together when they are being pushed around by black gangster Compton like thugs




You don't seem to realize that "white washing" also pertains to non-whites that don't want to belong to or get grouped into the negative stereotypes that belong to their ethnicities. And that those particular non-whites(whether they're Black, Hispanic, or Asian)are considered "Whitewashed sellouts" for wanting to better themselves by getting educated, not wanting a criminal record or gang affiliations, and listening to either Country music or Heavy Metal as opposed to listening to Hip-Hop or R&B. Of course, these "whitewashed sellouts" still get treated with disrespect and discrimination because of their skin colors and ethnicities. Of course, you probably didn't think about that. Did you?




I was referring to the non-whites like myself that actually grew up in decent neighborhoods not in the ghettos of L.A. County. But because of my ethnic background, I'm stereotyped for being a gangmember, a first generation "American", growing up in a ghetto/barrio, and being grouped with other negative stereotypes by whites because that's all they basically see when it comes to all non-whites(Blacks, Hispanics, Asians). And because of not being into the negative stereotypes and trying to be "whitewashed", I'm also despised by people of my ethnic background too. And to let you know, that I'm also known as the "WHITEST" Mexican in existence because of embracing the Confederate flag by either displaying the flag in my bedroom to wearing the flag on t-shirts(those t-shirts are also t-shirts of the Heavy Metal band Pantera who are also my favorite band too), listening to Metal, and even dressing like a skinhead at times too. But once again, to whites like yourself, whitewashed non-whites don't or shouldn't exist. Am I right?



I was referring to the non-whites like myself that actually grew up in decent neighborhoods not in the ghettos of L.A. County. But because of my ethnic background, I'm stereotyped for being a gangmember, a first generation "American", growing up in a ghetto/barrio, and being grouped with other negative stereotypes by whites because that's all they basically see when it comes to all non-whites(Blacks, Hispanics, Asians). And because of not being into the negative stereotypes and trying to be "whitewashed", I'm also despised by people of my ethnic background too. And to let you know, that I'm also known as the "WHITEST" Mexican in existence because of embracing the Confederate flag by either displaying the flag in my bedroom to wearing the flag on t-shirts(those t-shirts are also t-shirts of the Heavy Metal band Pantera who are also my favorite band too), listening to Metal, and even dressing like a skinhead at times too. But once again, to whites like yourself, whitewashed non-whites don't or shouldn't exist. Am I right?

That's a damn shame about you celebrating the Confederate flag. Are you doing this in response to the racism that has been directed at you?

Also, places like Los Angeles are much less racist towards Hispanics because people interact with other races more.


UMM....does Al Sharpton make some GOOD points about White people?


Al Sharpton rarely makes good points about ANYTHING.




It's blog posts like this that remind me never to take anything on imdb seriously due to the amount of nutjobs that use the site
