I know it's a huge generalization but OVERALL Nazism is associated with anti-semitism (despite all the other groups of people murdered in the Holocaust). The only mention of Jews in in the film is the dinner (lunch?) scene with Murray who says Jews have been persecuted for 1000s of years and Derek calls him a k**e a few times. Also Danny's list of people he hates includes non-protestants and Seth's song mentions Zionists and Jews.
So why is the gang all about hating blacks, asians and hispanics modeling themselves after the Nazis? Davina accuses Derek of being Mister Junior KKK and he says they are a bunch of disorganized rednecks. But aside from a "pure race" doctrine, don't Derek's opinions more closely resemble the KKK than the Nazis?
White power. The Nazis were about promoting the superior race, the white race. Although they focused a lot of their energy on killing jews, Hitler's main focus was on the supremacy of the Aryan race. The skin heads, white power people adopt the Nazi stuff because of this. Although most of them aren't Aryans (neither was Hitler, really).
The Nazis hated all non-whites, non-Aryans. They focused on the jews because they were so prevalent in Germany. And the animosity towards the jews went back a long time before Hitler. But if you remember, when the Olympics were in Germany in 36, Jesse Ownes won his races in Germany in front of Hitler, and beat the 'superior' German athletes. That was a big deal because of Hitler's hate for blacks.
The KKK people often cross over with the neo Nazis and skin heads.
The Nazis were about promoting the superior race, the white race. Although they focused a lot of their energy on killing jews, Hitler's main focus was on the supremacy of the Aryan race.
-------------------------------- dies ist meine unterschrift
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The Nazis were about promoting the superior race, the white race.
That's a misconception. They were promoting Aryan race, which to them meant all Germanic and Scandinavian Europeans. Virtually all other white Europeans except the British were on the same pecking order with Africans and Asians in their eyes, and European Jews (who are white) and Slavs were considered even lower. Saying Nazis were about white people versus other races, is I think offensive, considering that out of around 20 million people that Nazis targeted and systematically slaughtered, virtually all of them were white. It's also weird, since SS allowed blacks and Asian people in, and thousands of volunteers from North African, Middle Eastern and Asian countries served in SS, and Hitler's biggest ally was Japan.
They focused on the jews because they were so prevalent in Germany.
No, they believed Jews are kind of the global 1%, who were trying to run the world. Nazi's antisemitism was essentially copy-paste Marxism, with bourgeoisie replaced with the Jews.
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Uhm, have you read Mein Kampf? "Aryan" was just an umbrella for multiple European subraces, including Mediterranean, east-Baltic etc., with Nordic types on top. It's an interesting subject worth looking into. Although I must add that Mein Kampf makes absolutely no sense when you look at Hitler's deeds and alliances.
Asians were Hitler's "honorary Aryans". He admired Asian culture very much, and Japan was an important ally.
Hitler only decided the Slavs were inferior when they decided they would not join him and remain communist instead. This resulted in Hitler taking his frustration out on the Poles, even though there were many who did agree with Hitler's views.
North African people were allowed in the SS because they were equally anti-Semitic.
In the end, it all comes down to power and alliances. Do your research and see that the ones he killed apart from Jews were the ones who were against him.
Hitler's hatred of the Jews grew out of resentment and frustration. Anyone willing to join his cause was welcome, white or non-white.
Because this stupid movie doesn't make any sense at all. Nazism wasn't Nordicist, and there are several Hitler quotes that will contradict the idea that it's Nordicist.
Two, the whole "chill out, bro" scene is nonsense -- this movie makes it seem that "bro" is black slang, which is nonsense. "Bro" is Italian and Spanish, not black in origin nor white.
That the movie claims 'Bro' originates from the African American community is your personal interpretation. Lot's of communities even Whites regularly use the expression though most people would associate it with the Black community due to their inclination to call each other 'my brother' or sister.
Well first of all those that associate it with the black community are stupid, it is not related to "brother" and "sister" at all. Seriously, it doesn't take rocket science to know that "bro" doesn't sound white or black.
Whoever came up with that idea is an idiot beyond belief.
"Bro" being black slang doesn't deserve to be considered a misconception. That's a stupid statement with no one ounce of truth in it. Same goes for those who think it's white slang. LMAO
They hated black people too. The real contradiction is the nazis considered americans as a mongrel race so why would any american be a nazi, it's the equivalent of a polish or russian person being a nazi.
Because, these neo-nazis are just a bunch of idiots. I'm not really sure what Cam's motive were, nor what his true intentions are but they were just brainwashed into believing what Cam tells them.
Danny said so himself that the group started as means for white kids to not be scared of walking alone. Having a group where they could feel safe.
They use any excuse to hate on minorities and that's it.