Reinforces racism

Am I the only one that came out of this movie as more of a racist? Throughout the whole movie the white kid is constantly struggling with racist ideology and after he finally realizes that he's been wrong all along, he is murdered by the black kid, erasing every thing that the movie was supposed to fight against



Every person that served can be called a veteran, but not every veteran can be called a Marine.


No it doesn't. It's an eye for an eye, which is very realistic. The friend Derek made in prison combats all of the negative ideologies that Derek had been raised with. It's not about skin color, as both races do horrible things, but about people in general.


EXACTLY, someone actually understands.


Danny doesn't kill anyone though. I might be misremembering, but wasn't Dannys only "crime" that he stood up for some guy getting bullied in the bathroom? I mean, Danny is depicted having some "honor", while those black guys where just being complete sadists.

I know Derek killed two, but it's not really depicted as an "ideological killing" and I don't think Dannys murder was a revenge for this anyway.

I don't know, but I think Dannys murder should have been depicted as something more understandable/"justified".


I didn't get the impression that Danny was just murdered over the bathroom incident at all. At the park the older guy says to the kid, "Is he the one you were telling me about?" Or something along those lines. It'd be pretty weird if that only referred to Danny looking at him the wrong way in the bathroom. They could have just beat him up like they were doing to the other kid. Danny was affiliated with what had become a full fledged skinhead gang, and even in a big school you would know if someone's older brother got arrested for killing two black kids. He's not the type of person you bully because then his friends will find out and come back 10x harder. They chose to make an example out of him instead.


Your sentiment is very understandable. However, the whites weren't the only racist ones in the movie, the black gang in Danny's school was equally racist. It was too little too late for Danny by the time Derek changes him, the black kids had no knowledge that he took down all the neo-Nazi posters in his room. I think in a weird sort of way the ending actually does strengthen the message of the movie because Danny's murder was the result of all the racist emotions that Derek, Seth, and Cameron had been brainwashing him with throughout.


I thought it didn't address the black racism at all.
Danny used his legal right to say racist things to his black classmates. I don't condone that type of behavior but answering it with violence/murder is worse.
The kids were young, and maybe that's why it didn't occur to either of them to have a conversation or avoid each other.
I don't want to live in a society where someone is not saying racist things to me because they're scared of violent retribution. I'd rather know how they really felt.


The movie highlighted the underlying deeper issue that is present.

It's not about the actions of racism, it's about what is causing them in the first place.

The feelings of hate towards other races. To me the film said that we should not deal with consequences of hate, but we should learn why people are hateful and pissed off at other races in the first place.

We can choose to judge and punish the actions created by feelings or we can learn and understand where these feelings come from in the first place and avoid those feelings in the first place.

"I'd rather know how they really felt" - the message movie brings is that ideally these feelings shouldn't be present in the first place. But that's ideally and of course the movie didn't provide a solution to reach such an ideal scenario in the world, but it still drove the message really well to me that a person should not judge, but understand and lead by an example.

The behavior and attitude of the black dude in prison Norton was talking to was the closest example to a solution. The black dude was non-judgmental and was able to show Norton how ridiculous his views are without belittling the dude.



maybe you're not the only one, but you've gotta learn to watch things unbiased
