Could Have Been Better
Although this movie had some cool stuff its potential was totally squandered. It was filled with cliches and it's exactly what happens when a filmaker chooses to write about something he doesn't have much actual experience with. I'm from New Jersey, and some of the lines were totally Shane saying he really couldn't get across the river without a, every kid in Jersey takes the bus or train anyway, even back then......I can appreciate his friends being dumbasses but in reality most people from Jersey City aren't straight out of a Bruce Springsteen song.....did Mark Christopher talk to anyone or go to the actual places featured in this movie? Apparently Ian Schrager was so sure this was going to be garbage he threatened to sue them if they put him in the movie - hence his absence. Anyway, just wanted to put my two cents in. The music was cool, I liked the club and the atmosphere, but the characters, the story, the writing and the directing were cardboard. You just can't have that if you want to make a great film.
"When you get bashed by so many people on the IMDb you are destined for super stardom!" Monroe Mann