wow ! I didn't think it would be THAT bad !
I mean, after hearing how poor this movie was I just assumed it would be bad - but this movie is REALLY bad ! There really isn't a single actor in this movie who can hold his/her head up high because of the performance they gave. Michael Myers tries so hard to show what a geeky yet brilliant queen Steve Rubell was that he's just laughable. Ryan Phillipe can't act. That's all there is to it. He is incapable of showing any kind of convincing emotions, and he is especially incapable of pulling off a New Jersey accent. Not that a New Jersey accent is so difficult. But doing any kind of accent while standing in front of a camera is far too difficult for Ryan Phillipe. He has to think in order to do that & thinking is not something that Ryan Phillipe is very good at. Selma Hayek is only convincing in the scenes when she gets to act bitchy. She's good at acting bitchy.