MovieChat Forums > 54 (1998) Discussion > Is there a director's cut of this?

Is there a director's cut of this?

I read that Harvey Weinstein butchered it, censored out most of the gay stuff, etc.

***You must be old and wrinkled to have that type of reaction. - Liana***


I would very interested in seeing the original cut of the movie before it was
supposedly drastically altered. I think there are elements of a good film
here--I would like to hear directly from the director and ask him what his
original vision was. Hopefully, the cut footage was not destroyed and we may
see a different film one day.


I wonder if there any steamy sex scenes in the film. I also wonder if 54 is a good film worth watching, and what scenes were deleted.


This should answer some of your questions:


While I won't condone it, if you're going to make a film about Studio 54, anything less than a movie about total decadence is a waste.

America put the "fun" back into "Fundamentalism".


"54" was supposed to be in the same vein as "Boogie Nights," apparently, and was a lot heavier with the sex and drugs originally. That's all I know. And yes, I would love to see a director's cut. This is one of those big film travesties that everyone knows about. Everyone knows it was edited to death; it was in all the papers at the time. So what if Ryan Phillippe was kissing Breckin Meyer lol; let's see it.


I know of a workprint that exists that has over 30 mins of footage and i'm pretty sure those scenes are included quality is very rough but watchable under F


That is too stupid, the movie should have been racy, racy, racy.

Boogie Nights was wonderful and had numerous Oscar Nods.

Cutting the sex & nudity from 54 is a travesty.


Please sign the petition to get the uncut version released:

Thanks! :)

Bimbo Boy
