I've watched part 11 however many times, and I believe I've gotten everything I'm going to get out of the episode. So now I will no longer watch The Original Wives Club Don't get me wrong, I understand why they did the episode but I've had enough of it.
I had enough of it about midway through my first viewing of it!
It actually somewhat killed the series for me. I watched the whole series on DVD in one sitting, and was utterly gripped by it until ep.11. That episode irritated me in a number of ways, and left me too grumpy to enjoy the finale - which may or may not have been as bad as I thought, but which certainly seemed self-indulgent and messy once I had been irritated by 11.
I don't think it's the worst episode of the series (that would be the Apollo 13 episode), and in fact, I think it's gotten better with repeat viewings. I just wish Apollo 16 hadn't been so thoroughly short-changed to tell the wives' story. It's especially too bad because I think Zeljko Ivanek as Ken Mattingly is one of the closest matches to the real person (Gary Sinise looks NOTHING like Mattingly!)
Apollo 10 also got a mere 26 seconds of screen-time, none of which featured John Young. Despite being the longest-serving astronaut in NASA history, Young seems to have the least amount of screen-time.
Episode 11 is one of those that I watch again and again, after 5 and 7. Susan Borman's and Marylin See's stories are especially fine, but so is the rest of the episode. The only episode that I shied away from was 2 as it was too painful to watch. But I understand where you're coming from.