Cartoon Shorts

Where can I find the cartoon short films featuring Woody Woodpecker as an astronaut? They looked like a lot of fun. I think clips were seen in the episodes "Is That All There Is" and "Can We Do This".

Won't that be grand? Computers and the programs will start thinking and the people will stop


The cartoon you mention is called Destination Moon. Have fun buddy.


Sorry, but you are wrong santojo95. They are not even classic Woody cartoons.

The segments you see in the 2 episodes are specially created for the tv-show by Shane Zalvin.
Billy West might be the voice of Woody for these 2 short segments, considering that he officially became Woody's voice in 1999.


So they *are* a goof then! Because the short shown in the first episode uses lunar orbit rendezvous, and I *think* this was before they'd settled on that as the method?

Philo's Law: To learn from your mistakes, you have to realize you're making mistakes.


Santojo mentioned Destination Moon.
I believe there is a Woody Woodpecker clip in that movie also.I'm not 100% sure, it's been years since I saw it.

