MovieChat Forums > Wishmaster (1997) Discussion > Why not just make an offensive wish?

Why not just make an offensive wish?

And by that I mean one which would condemn the Djinn for all eternity. Anything from wishing he would become a normal powerless human being, to wishing he would return to his universe forever and never returned, or if the person were really angry they could wish he get locked in a room with an invincible construct named Bubba who would give him the 'shower treatment' for all eternity. It doesn't seem that complex.


Well, she did kind of do that at the end of the film...

But a better wish would've been, "I wish the Djinn race never existed." ;)


As I recently said in another thread here, the wishes must have limitations. And they do. I mean, the Djinn couldn't kill himself. He is eternal. I guess you can't make a wish that directly endangers or changes anything about the Djinn. The woman made a wish made it so that he didn't get unleashed. I guess you can't make a direct wish saying that "I wish I hadn't awakened you", but you can make a wish indirecly making it so. They've got to limit things, or else the story wouldn't work.

"Sup? I'm the Djinn who has come to collect three wishes from you, so I can destroy the world with mah brothas."
"I wish you couldn't fulfill anyone's wishes ever again."
"Yo, granted! ... Crap."



I would wish that he was holding a bar of soap while in jail and he drops it...hahhaha



"Sup? I'm the Djinn who has come to collect three wishes from you, so I can destroy the world with mah brothas."
"I wish you couldn't fulfill anyone's wishes ever again."
"Yo, granted! ... Crap."

LOL! Good point. Yeah, unfortunately, sometimes their are flaws in the logic of movies. Sometimes, you just have to let it go, suspend your disbelief, and enjoy. After all, we could very well argue that she could have wished he'd become imprisoned again and never come back, or that he'd turn good instead of evil, but then wouldn't that make for a realling boring movie? Just like the quote above hilariously suggests.

Proud member of the IMDb Ministry of Darkness

That's right, boys...IT'S DOCTOR VENKMAN!!!


amen, lol though at the post you quoted from, omg that is just too funny.

i have to agree though, you gotta just let go and let horror in,
let the fear get good and deep under your skin, hehe and then you can
let the world grow fuzzy and the body grow goose fleshy.

[b][red]Dream until your dreams come true;Life's a journey, not a destination*
