What was the last wish?...
What was the last wish that finally made him go away. I only saw so much of the movie and I strongly feel like its not worth going to the video store for...Thanks
shareWhat was the last wish that finally made him go away. I only saw so much of the movie and I strongly feel like its not worth going to the video store for...Thanks
shareI think you should see all of it,
definitely worth a once over.
But if you must know,
She wishes that "Mickey Torelli wasn't drinking on the job 2 days ago."
So he never dropped the crate, breaking the statue, releasing the jewel.
I am the pirate who doesn't touch anything! -Drop Dead Fred
Just to make sure, since she wished that, nobody dies?
shareYup yup
shareno way to twist that
shareand.....Mickey Torelli was played by Joe Pilato! The crazy Captain Rhodes in Day of the Dead.
shareplenty of ways to twist it. He could have been drinking before his job for example.
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If the character was an alcoholic, he would have been. The Djinn was not as smart as he thought he was, because he could easily have twisted Alex' third wish. The crane operator could have been distracted by dropping his cigar in his lap, or he could have still spilled his coffee on his control board, or something else entirely.
shareYep, the Djinn had no idea what she was wishing for or what effect it would have on the present. He just decided "Heck, she want some random thing on some guy I don't know? I'll be honest about it." Not knowing that he defeated himself.
shareWell that stuff and the fact that it was the third wish. His face as he granted it sort of showed that he did not trust it exactly, but to close to the ultimate goal.