Am I missing something or is the escape wish a goof? The wish was for escape NOT for being unable to escape. Does this not break the rules set up in the movie?
Did you ever notice that people who believe in creationism look really un-evolved?
But the rules as set up by the film are he MUST grant the wishes made, the wish was 'to escape' but instead he was put into a situation where he could NOT escape. No matter how he twisted it he granted the opposite of what was actually wished for.
Did you ever notice that people who believe in creationism look really un-evolved?
No he made him a "escape" artist, and there job is "to escape" so there as you can see, he did twist it round to suit himself
But he didn't make him an escape artist (if he DID become one, he would have been able to escape).
The wish was 'to escape' NOT 'to put put in a situation he couldn't escape from'. The thing that makes Djinn interesting is how they twist things, but they are still constrained by the original wish. Here the total opposite of the original wish was granted not the wish itself.
Did you ever notice that people who believe in creationism look really un-evolved? reply share
But he DID make him a escape artist, as one normaly sees them, in a water tank in a straight jacket trying "to escape", and he probaly could have escaped if he had not obviously been in massive shock.
Look most escape artists do escape right ?, so yes he did put him into a situation where he could escape, but he twisted it completly, any way if you dont go with this explanation then fine, its a film after all, and the film writers probaly did not expect people to study every bit of it to find fault, because at the end of the day, we are talking about a evil genie walking about which if one thinks of it, is rather silly in the first place no ?
Actually, the wish was not specifically an "escape" wish (i.e. to get out of something dangerous). Rather, the wish was to "escape" being a doorman and get into something more exciting, hence why he put the doorman in the "escape artist" scenario. In other words, it was not "escaping" the water tank but rather "escaping" being a doorman and into something more exciting.
for the most part the film is rather clever with the wishes but they kind of did screw up with the escape wish. he really should have granted him the chance to actually escape the tank. I play cards with J.D. Shelnut, chief of PO-lice! So kiss my ass, you old bastard!
Sorry that I'm 4 years late on this. I've wondered about this ever since I saw the movie when it came out. The last time I watched it I realized the wish wasn't "to escape" but for "a chance to escape." So he gave him a chance (a super mega slim one though)
I agree, this one was a little bizarre. But so was party of the century being translated into people getting turned into class, statues coming alive, mutations. Sometimes he can take absolute free reign and othertimes somebody tells him to "walk away" and he is screwed.